Psych: The Movie

7.3| 1h28m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 07 December 2017 Released
Producted By: UCP
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The ambitious friends come together during the holidays after a mystery assailant targets one of their own. A comedic thrill-ride follows, as the wild and unpredictable Psych team pursues the bad guys, justice … and, of course, food!

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gary-bearden21 Great movie with old cast and new laughs. I was so upset when the series was canceled. It was my number one go to show while deployed in Afghanistan. Every deployment I would watch the series more than once and would turn others who have never seen the show into fans. This last deployment I left right as this movie came out and of course I had to watch the whole series again before watching the movie. I feel that's the best way to enjoy this movie is to rewatch the series. I hope some day they bring the series back. There would be so many new crimes to solve in San Francisco.
majormadmax Was a big fan of the series, but it appears the three year hiatus has thrown the Psych Gang off their game. The whole thing was disjointed, overacted, poorly written and the chemistry that existed during series was missing. The entire plot appeared "forced" as was the performance--especially Roday's.The "development" of Corbin Bernsen as Henry Spencer is just an example of how the entire production was trying to hard to not repeat the TV series. During the show Henry was always the voice of reason, now he's turned San Franciscan hippy with no real explanation. There was no reason to change anything about Henry, but for some reason the producers of this movie felt it was necessary.The "also starring" characters were confusing and poorly brought into the fold. There was just too much back-story missing about them, making the overall plot even harder to follow.Overall the entire movie was just a mess. If the plan is to do at least five more of these, then the writers and producers need to go back and re-watch the series and rediscover what made it special, then incorporate it into the next movie. If there's any hope, the next one cannot be any worse than this one. At least I hope not!Lastly, it was a shame Timothy Omundson wasn't involved, and hopefully he has recovered from his health issues and will return in future Psych movies! "Lassie" balanced the show and brought a Dirty Harry vs. Sledgehammer aspect to the show. Omundson was badly missed, his cameo was a nice salute to his character but he really needs to be more a part of the plot. Unfortunately that wasn't possible for this movie (and I am not even sure if he could save this wreck), but it will be a bad omen if he doesn't join in on future efforts!
winnjohn For nostalgia's sake, great to see the cast reunited.
chrichtonsworld Psych was a very creative and funny spin on the crime genre that was built on the great chemistry between James Roday and Dulé Hill. The two together made the show what it was. But like a lot of successful shows they lost their way and forgot about that and made other elements more prominent. So when the show ended I wasn't particularly sad to see it go like I normally am when shows finish. Still the idea of Psych coming back as a TV movie made me happy because that could become a regular thing especially if it would bring the magic that once was. Unfortunately this isn't the case. The whole movie was disappointing. It was fun to see most characters from the show return. And the banter between Shawn and Gus easily was the best the movie had to offer. But other than that it wasn't that good. In the later seasons of the show they made the mystery element more important which sometimes really worked well since it added genuine thrills and suspense next to the comedy. However more than I would like to it detracted from the comedy. I didn't mind the more dramatic episodes since they only made you love the characters more. What I did find annoying was the fact that it got in the way of how Shawn and Gus interacted. The focus was on the mystery and the dynamics between Shawn and Gus seemed like an afterthought. Actually a lot of the interactions between Shawn, Gus and other characters was what gave the show it's edge. In this movie these interactions are only present for the sake of nostalgia without giving us the wit and clever jokes that usually were part of these interactions. This becomes apparent in the way Shawn's father is treated. In the early seasons Shawn and his father (Corbin Bernsen) also had some interesting dynamics. They emphasized Shawn's unique crime solving skills compared to that of a veteran cop. Plus I liked the relationship they had. The father always acted like Shawn was a pain while in truth he was very proud. Now you didn't get anything that came close to it. All you got was how the father had mellowed out and that he is not the same guy we knew. I don't know it just felt that the writers couldn't be bothered to give us the characters we learned to love. But then the mystery itself was hardly compelling or one that you could take seriously. Psych always was a comedy but it did have moments where things could get real. In this movie this never happens. Almost like you are never supposed to like it's one big joke. I never watched Psych for the mysteries. For me it was about Shawn and Gus and how they solved those crimes. So any time when you shift away the focus from that you shoot yourself in the foot. I like it that through these TV movies these beloved characters can live on but then they should go back to what made the show great in the first place.