Professor Godoy

6.8| 0h14m| en| More Info
Released: 16 November 2009 Released
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Budget: 0
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Mr. Godoy teaches math at a Private High School's senior year. Stubborn and severe, Godoy lives a dull life defined by rules, but something is about to change.

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Kirpianuscus its special beauty has many sources. a delicate form of realism. the balance between public image and personal vulnerability. the image of teenager for who the school is a challenge and the teacher - the prey. the nuances of middle age of a simple man with the life divided between Bach and class. but the most important thing is the precision of the director to suggest- desires, fears, thoughts, the effort to protect professional prestige,the vulnerability and the 25 years in class, aging, while the students have the same age. a touching film. especially for a teacher who could use mister Godoy as reflection of himself. Roney Facchini does an admirable role and Kaue Tellolli explores in smart manner the spirit of a generation. so, little more than beautiful. maybe, useful.
LuLevy Professor Godoy is both bold and sensitive and while it may be about things to which not everyone can relate, it is told in a way that will move even the most skeptical of viewers. Godoy is a teacher who invites us in his world of toil, numbers and practical resolutions and who believes his life is laid before him as exact as the math problems he has been teaching for years. There is, however, one variable upon which he was not counting. Felipe, one of his students challenges his craft in ways it had never been challenged. Gui Ashcar explores the evolving emotions of both characters with all the subtlety the subject requires but is still not afraid to touch the "uncorfortable". This balance and the beautiful work of the cast and crew certainly makes "Professor Godoy" a must-see.