A dark twist to a classic power rangers TV show. In this, the power rangers upon growing up tried to live their own lives but were pulled back in to fight. Brutal, violent, intense, and disturbing yet I love this short movie. Had a big production feel to it. The fighting scenes are AWESOME! Great plot and actors. It's amazing because I usually think other movies are too violent - I guess this blows me away.
I saw this on YouTube before Saban's lawyers had it taken down. Who knows, it may even be back up again, if you're curious to see it.So, Jason is a villain and holds Kimberley hostage in an effort to flush out Tommy... The idea is okay, but all the talk of betrayal doesn't really come across, given what happens to each Power Ranger. Zac is pretty cool, but the North Koreans look more like Yakuza and do the typically-hated thing in martial arts films, of standing back and letting their buddies get beaten down, one-by-one, before taking their turn. They also had plenty of time to just shoot him, but this is nit-picking the action.But isn't the action what an action film is all about?Well, for this short, it's more about the characters, in an attempt to make a dark version of somewhat beloved source material, so don't expect any giant monster fights.If you see this, after the initial buzz of seeing Power Rangers actually getting hurt wears off (because nobody can take laser beams and sword swipes to the chest in real life, right?), you'll most likely just forget about it and carry on. Yes, it's very well made, but the story isn't as fantastic as other reviewers would have you believe and the effect of, "Look, mum, the Power Rangers are gritty," only goes so far... in this case, not far enough to justify reinventing the series as something aimed entirely at adults.
Horst in Translation ([email protected])
I would not call myself a fan of the "Power Rangers", but I saw an episode here and there back when they were on television and fairly famous. So I was curious what this 13-minute movie by Joseph Kahn would look like. I was pretty much disappointed.. This is an action movie with some science-fiction references, but there are no Power Rangers in it. And James Van Der Beek as a badass character? I am not sure. He gave it his best, but it was obvious he was just copying other performances and doe snot have the grit for the character in my opinion. The only other famous cast member is Katee Sackhoff. There is a major twist around her character in the end, but it cannot make up for the not really entertaining 10 minutes before it. Joseph Kahn is one of the most lauded music video directors right now, so maybe this short film is part of his transition to "real" movies. We shall see. "Power/Rangers" sadly is not worth watching.
The battle ended. For them. They moved on, got jobs, tried to deal with having been child soldiers in a war that had nothing to do with them. But then they started dying off. Kimberly(Sackhoff, capturing the now hardened, sweet Pink) is being interrogated by Rocky(Van Der Beek, tough). Fingers are being pointed. They think it's Tommy(Bain, doing a lot with little screen-time), and they need her help to find him. To stop him.This is a compelling, not to mention badass, gritty take on the franchise so many of us grew up with. It manages to fit in a ton of the aspects, characters and conflicts, without it feeling rushed or overstocked. Heck, each of our well-cast main rangers get credible follow-ups and at least some closure. Well, poor Trini is merely a still as we see her funeral, so, all except for her. We even get a few *awesome* fight scenes. Twists, solid dialog, great acting and incredible production values. Quality CG, well-integrated and not flashy.There is a lot of brutal, bloody violence and disturbing content in this. I recommend this to every fan of the series who wants this kind of reimagining. Heck, check out all of the bootleg universe. Adi Shankar is the man. 8/10