Positive I.D.

1986 "Never assume anything"
Positive I.D.
5.9| 1h35m| R| en| More Info
Released: 28 October 1986 Released
Producted By: Andersonfilm
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A year after she is brutally raped, Dallas housewife Julie Kenner still can't shake the horror of the attack. She decides to forge a series of separate identities for herself, borrowing the names and birth dates of various strangers.

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merklekranz This is the case of a script that unfortunately leads to an "unbelievable" conclusion. Getting there is not much fun either, as the film plays like a minimal information puzzle. There are zero sympathetic characters, especially the unbearably wimpy husband. Since we never see the rape, which is motivation for the entire contrived plot, our housewife's revenge plan really is trivialized right from the git-go. The rapist himself is never even shown, until the moment of his demise. The entire production hinges on improbable events that simply cannot be swallowed as fact. So, what you have is a tedious build up to a conclusion that is not believable, and a movie that is not recommended. - MERK
godspellgroupie This is another film of the low budget, barely released,but worth the trouble to look for genre of independent films. A brutally raped woman ,trying to adjust to the endless trauma,is appalled to find her convicted attacker is released early on a plea bargain. Upon touching bases in her daily routines,she discovers different things she can do to escape her mundane housewife and take on a completely different persona to help her resume a full life. This film moves at a steady speed and makes it worth the time it takes to get to its climax and delivers it before just before you are ready to predict it. The film is like a close friend saying they found something and having you come and look ,after taking a long walk to get there,surprising you with his discovery.
howie73 Although this feels like a low-budget TV movie that you might find on a cable channel late at night, it is far more compelling and realistic than its adherence to that much maligned formula suggests. In fact, it is everything a TV movie is not: gritty, urban, slow-paced but suspenseful, engrossing yet unsentimental.The actors, mostly unknowns, do a fine job, especially Stephanie Rascoe as the misunderstood housewife heroine who takes the law and her own identity into places she never thought possible.Interstingly enough, the most compelling aspect of the film is the theme of identity. As a housewives, Rascoe's character is often seen engulfed by domestic chores, unable to get over her brutal attack. However, as her assumed identity, she becomes somebody else - a modern day femme fatale type that sits uneasily with the portrayal of simmering domestic inertia previously shown in the film. The ending is still shocking today and one of the most dramatic films you are likely to see. A minor gem.
jmatrixrenegade This movie concerns a rape victim, who is having a hard time getting over her trauma, as well as realizing how victims of rape are harmed two-fold -- by the act itself and by public reaction afterwards. She sees a report on television on how some people change their identities, which catches her eyes for a few reasons, reasons we will fully learn about at the end of the film, though it becomes pretty clear about half way through.The film includes a few um hammy touches, including that kind of annoying dramatic music, but is an excellent character study with a twist. Not only does it do a good job showing the trauma of victims, even long after the crime, but it throws in themes of identity as well. The movie does not really have many surprises, though the ending is not as clear cut as a standard film of this type tends to be, but it was a joy (if I might use the word in this context) to watch for the performances. Definitely a good different little film to rent -- I just saw it for the second time, and yet again saw why I liked it so much the first time around.