Poor Albert and Little Annie

1972 "May she rest... In pieces!"
Poor Albert and Little Annie
4.1| 1h25m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 April 1972 Released
Producted By: Romal Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Albert tried to kill his rich snobby mother once. Then he was institutionalized. Now he's escaped. Albert is after his mother again. And he will torture and kill anything that lays in the way...

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Romal Films

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tomgillespie2002 Rich kid Albert (Zooey Hall) is in an institute. We meet him at the beginning of the film trying to rape a nurse before he is apprehended. His doctor tells his mother that he is a lost cause and must be moved to a hospital for the insane. While being taunted by one of the male nurses there, Albert tricks him into watching one of the 'films' he's made, and ends up killing him and escaping. He arrives at his mother's house to kill her - he sees her as a whore who is not 'pure' enough. He instead comes across her housekeeper, who he taunts and kills. Yet when he meets her 11 year-old daughter Annie (Geri Reischi), they form a bond and Albert takes her away. For once he has met a girl who is pure and innocent, but the only problem are his violent sexual urges.The original name for this film was Poor Albert and Little Annie, which is a much more apt title for a film that is relatively unexploitative and character-driven. While they are scenes of violence, they are brief and contain very little blood or gore. The film concentrates more on the relationship between Albert and Annie, and the creepy fascination Albert has with her. Albert is clearly a misogynist, viewing every woman as filth who have lost their purity. Annie is sweet and innocent, and so Albert begins a strange love affair with her. He understands his urges are wrong, but he goes with it all the same.As interesting as I'm making the film out to be, you have to remember that this is a 70's grindhouse film marketed under the name of I Dismember Mama and was usually shown in a double bill with The Blood Spattered Bride (1972). This generally means that although the idea is certainly quite interesting, the execution is bad. Whereas the low- budget works in it's favour - the film has a grime to it that creates a feeling of sleaze - the film is peppered with long sections where nothing at all happens. The 80 minute running time feels much longer than it actually is, and although Hall in the lead is generally quite effective as the rich-boy psychopath, he cannot save the film from being a meandering missed opportunity.www.the-wrath-of-blog.blogspot.com
phlyax You know you're in trouble when the new title is superimposed on the opening credits with what looks like an old dymo labelwriter!The first scene has a female nurse enter a room by herself, in a mental institute no less, and tell the male patient that he shouldn't be watching those types of films in his room because of what they do to him. Of course, that's the end of the nurse and it only goes downhill from there.Truly the only item of interest here is the title! How bad is it, a re-make would be an improvement. Besides its too good of a title to waste! Say, that gives me an idea...
suelyon In this film, Albert is a rich psycho, who goes around looking for sex, then killing the woman if they are not virgins.When he sees little 11 year old Annie, he falls in love.But,since he doesn't want to ruin her purity, he finds another woman, and Annie catches them,starting the finale.This is a rare film to find=majority of video stores don't have it...But, its really crazy and unrelated, worth a look!
emm The alternative title of this film would make much better sense. Through some extremely unrelated footage, it does very good at hiding the truth of our "Poor Albert" who killed "Little Annie's" mama. That way, we can slowly await the climax. Horror and gore fans, be warned! You will be disappointed by the lack of severed body parts and / or any detailed scenes of graphic violence, and just because it's titled I DISMEMBER MAMA! Don't blame me if I said this! I watched this film from an out-of-print Simitar version that might have been cut from any over-the-top gore. So what? A good little El Cheapola drive-in thriller, but try not to get too high on your expectations.