Karl Self
This is based on a character created for a series of TV commercials, an enthusiastic hillbilly named Polle from a boondocks village named Snave. In the commercials, Polle would at first use a telephone with a really long extension cord before discovering the services of Danish mobile communications provider Sonofor. The message was that "our mobile phones are so simple that every yokel can use them".The movie creates a fascinating, colourful and utterly inane cosmos around Polle, a world dipped in neon colours, decked out with kitsch and firmly stuck in the Eighties. Beware, there be Cabbage Patch Kids be crawling out from underneath the cabbage heads! And they'll be wearing mullet haircuts and drinking beer for breakfast. But it fails to tell an engaging story. There is a flimsy bit of plot: Polle has a work-related accident, and his mates tell him that he stands to receive a massive compensation cheque from the insurance company, mainly so that he will pay their rounds. Then gold-digging skank Lilian tries to get Polle to marry her by pouring washing-up liquid in his kex so that he thinks they've had sex. Yes, really. And that's pretty much it.Much as I like the Snave world, the movie sucks. It just goes to show once more that you can't make a watchable movie without an excellent script.The title is a play on "Pulp Fiction", by the way.
Føj for den, gutter! I don't care what other people might say. This movie is funny. If you come from Denmark and don't find this funny, you are a grumpy old person who forgot how to smile. The characters may not be very realistic, but who cares? Karsten Kørelærer and Harske Hubbi are world class, nothing less... Vi sås!
Based on a series of highly succesfull television ads this movie is the first of its kind. Half of the productions costs were financed by the company the ads were from in the first place. Basing a movie on a television ad can probably be a good idea but it isn't in this case. The script is so marked by the time frame they had to write it in because they had to get the film out before people had forgotten the ads. It's foreseeable and that makes the movie boring to watch together with the poor acting. To illustrate the foreseeability the main character Polle meets two women in the movie and since the first one is a slut and treats him bad off course he's going to end up with the other one. This movie is so bad that it should be on a list of illegal torture tools.
This movie is the first danish produced movie without governmental fundings. Originally a commercial runned on danish tv, now brought to live as a movie, based on sponsor money, but that does not affect the movie like one could have feared. Only twice is the company behind it mentioned, in the beginning and in the end, gotta give it up for that. The movie is incredible hilarious, but the humor in it, is very danish, and its a must to have seen the commercials on danish tv. If u do meet this demands, this movie is a good laugh. I gave it a 9, cuz its not a movie I´m gonna see again, but this one time was great.