This is the second sequel to Police Academy, where the city's two police academies, one is under the eye of Commandant Lassard (George Gaynes) and the other under Commandant Mauser (Art Metrano), enter a little "competition" to see who can do a better job at protecting the city in order to keep themselves from closing (due to limited funds, the city is considering closing down one of the academies). As a result, Mauser recruits Sgt. Blanks (Brant von Hoffmanand) and Sgt. Copeland (Scott Thomson) and instructs them sabotage Lassard's cadets, while Sergeants Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg), Hightower (Bubba Smith), Jones (Michael Winslow), Tackleberry (David Graf) and Hooks (Marion Ramsey) try to train the new cadets to hopefully save their academy.The acting continues to be pretty good with this film and I thought the entire cast did a good job in their roles, each one giving a unique and humorous personality, like Jones' funny sound effects, Hooks' shy voice, Tackleberry's forceful weapon tactics and Hightower's giant, intimidating stance. Mauser continues his villainous but funny character and Proctor continues to be the slapstick and bumbling assistant to Mauser. The addition of Cadets Zed (Bobcat Goldthwait), Sweetchuck (Tim Kazurinsky) and Cadet Nogata (Brian Tochi) added more humor and charm to the story.This movie goes at a more quicker pace than the previous two films and the plot seems to be more intact and intriguing, from the sergeants training the cadets to all the running gags at Mauser's and Proctor's expense. Jerry Paris did a good job in the direction and the script by Gene Quintano is much more captivating; you get a lot of police action and some thrilling moments. And, Robert Folk's toe-tapping Police Academy theme deserves an honorable mention.Overall, it's the best of the Police Academy movies - at least the best of the first four.Grade B
Contrary to wide opinion, I presume, this cheesy number is consistently funny, as if the movie involved a lot of short skits. As one of two academies has to close down, the bumbling Lassard's being one of them, our favourite recruits return, to train a batch of new fish. We have some more screw ups, involving Zed from number 2, plus a cute little guy with glasses, a laughing stock who bunks with Zed. We have a role reversal in one scene, featuring the accident prone, Fachler, this time the one hanging on the front bonet for dear life, before being flung off in the academy grounds, by his resilient (obstinate) wife. Speaking of laughing stock, did I mention Proctor having a bad night, when being robbed of his whole attire by that notorious, under the podium lady, played by real life adult star, Georgina Spelvin. Proctor is one character, involved in dirty play, and we know who the others are, in making sure this academy falls on it's face. But good always triumphs evil, most of the time. We have a great speedboat chase sequence, Winslow looking so cool. What's funny if classic, is his non formal introduction to the new recruits, where he uses his vocal talents once more. They come in handy especially in fighting ar..kissing. If almost surpassing the first PO, but really with anything, how can you beat the original, this short sharp sweet academy has so many funny moments, I'd be spending tonight and tomorrow, going through all of them. You're better off watching the movie, where you could bust a rib, laughing, somewhere through this watch. Total hilarity.
Part three brings back some of the old and also promotes incidental characters to bigger parts. Zed, Sweetchuck, Fackler's Wife, Tackelberry's brother in law etc. are all now becoming police officer. It doesn't add as much intrigue as you would think, as most of the humor still relies on the characters we know and love. Mauser is the villain again, but is joined by the 2 ass-kissing cadets from the first film. The two academies going head-to-head is never really given enough room to develop, because we only see things from one side. We are just told how well the other academy is doing. It should be enjoyable enough for fans.
Police Academy films are a weakness of mine, they are stupid, vapid, idiotic and funny as all hell. I do so love these characters and they are in top form as the goofball graduates from the first Academy come back to save their alma mater.It seems that budget constraints have forced Governor Ed Nelson to close one of the two Police Academies. The first one is run by clueless Commandant Lassard as played by George Gaynes. The second is a discipline factory run by the nemesis of the graduates from the second Police Academy movie, Sergeant Mauser, played with relish by Art Metrano now a commandant of that Academy.So a contest is to be held to see which one stays open and our regulars, Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith, Michael Winslow, Marion Ramsey, David Graf, and Leslie Esterbrook go back to help the captain they made life hell for as cadets.When you think about it, are the Police Academy movies any different than the classic Keystone Kops? A lot of the same gags are used and a lot more of them that could never have been got away with back in those days. But the idea is the same, an irreverence for law enforcement in the funniest way.These are not films to write elegant tomes about, they are films to laugh whatever part of your anatomy off you want.