Well.. How should I explain this with out giving away the Plot, wait what Plot? Here we have another Stupid boring Film About Rich French people.. sort of. The worst Medium story iv'e every seen in a film. The Acting was good, for what they had to work with. Natalie Port-man, Lily-Rose Depp, Emmanuel Salinger Did really well so I gave them 1 star each. I Personally thought that Lily-Rose Depp's Part as Kate, was the Most believable out of all the characters. The other Actors were fine, a lot of rich socialites getting drunk, and share holders getting bent out of shape. For the Most part, this Film just meandered along , no real twist and turns, don't even remember the music Score. It has the DUMBEST P.O.S ending I have ever seen for this type of film. Rated as a Drama, Fantasy Mystery? WTF? The Drama, a little over boiled, the Mystery was wondering when something was actually going to happen? So now the Fantasy part? ............................that's right, there is none, unless they considered that a fantasy like ending.. again STUPIDEST ending I've ever seen. it felt like this... ...okay folks we ran out of money... we have $158.00 left .. lets wrap it up. Don't waste your time with this film. The only reason I considered it was because I'm a Natalie Port-man Fan but this movie just didn't let her shine.( even though she tried real hard, seemed to me like the director wouldn't let her with that 40-50's cookie cutter starlet actress crap.) For Miss Depp, keeping an eye out for her future rolls. to see what she brings to the Screen.
What this movie needs is more SUBSTANCE! We haven't a GHOST of a chance of being drawn into this play, because there is only loosely knit ideas..a faint line outlining what may become...something..but what ?? What a waste of talent!! Teaming Ms. Depp and Ms. Portman had me waiting impatiently to view this movie. favorite actors choose worthwhile projects. Natalie's last couple of endeavors, have left MUCH to be desired.This movie needs to be connected...those dots of ideas need to be connected by story line we can understand and follow. Leave the abstract included....but fill it in with good ol creative action and dialogue that we can follow and appreciate. Better yet..make the story line COMPELLING !! Who better than Ms. Portman and Ms. Depp to carry a compelling theme ?We must give Ms. Portman and Ms. Depp their due for taking such a bold chance..experimenting perhaps. But, ..IF they want to continue to be able to take such risks, they better choose a WINNER next few times round, or their names and past acting performances will be a distant, fond memory. Remember her?...Loved her in that one !
Planetarium (2016) This movie , similar to the directors 2013 "Grand Canal" tackles a worthy theme with mixed results. The former film main premise was the French nuclear industry workers plight, in Planetarium the fate of French Jewish entrepreneurs during WW2. Each film mixes some romance massages and the in the case of Planetarium a sub plot around trying to film paranormal experiences and a manipulative obsessed movie mogul. Sadly for this viewer neither of this filmmakers realisations manages to engage me sufficiently to care about the lead actors plight. In not being engaged with story (both written by this young director )they fail to reach a satisfactory conclusion.Planetarium has some big name actors held back by inadequate direction of a script which meanders around its themes. Added to this are large continuity errors (Portman lifts and coats hood and next cut she walking without) and technical clichés (sound boom in camera) . these things are overlooked in a compelling movie but stand out when the realization is so lacklustre. Planetarium is a large glossy production with excellent costumes and period rendition (WW2) these can not save the movies fate. Shame that budget might of made some really good movies.
In Paris of the 1930s reality and illusion combine in myriad ways for visionary American sisters Laura (Natalie Portman) and Kate Barlow. The sisters manage to convince an ingenious and successful film producer, Andre Korben, that they can communicate with the dead and thereby reveal significant truths. Andre convinces the nomadic sisters to stay and star in his new film. As Kate and Laura launch their careers in film they discover different aspects of themselves in romance as well as acting, that place immense strains on their finances, sisterly connection and their new found benefactor even as a looming war – and all the hatreds it invigorates - threatens to envelope them all.The memories, visions and prophecies of Planetarium's characters are beautifully illuminated and invigorated by dream sequences, poems and imagery of snowfall, the night sky filled with stars and twilight. There is wonderful depth and splendor in these machinations. There is a lovely poem about creatures with wings, and the spectacular feeling that sweeps over you when the window is opened and they choose to stay instead of flying away. A main theme of the film, that art, acting and stories - like ghosts - lead us to important truths, is very compelling, yet I wish the links and transitions were clearer in this respect. Natalie Portman's performance is exquisite. She manages emotional ambiguities, such as between hope and bitterness, so well. She delves into the playful sexuality that I loved so much in Black Swan. I wish there were longer and more frequent dream sequences. Seen at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival.