Phantom: The Animation

Phantom: The Animation
6.2| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 27 February 2004 Released
Producted By: KSS
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Zwei was an ordinary person, until one day, while walking the streets a night, he witnessed a brutal assassination. He managed to avoid the sniper, a young girl named Ein, but was soon captured, and had the memories of his former life erased. He is spared death only by accepting a condition: to train to become an assassin alongside Ein. Now he must find a way to free himself from this shady world and reclaim his life once again.

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Sabre_Wolf I played the DVD Game 'Phantom of Inferno' and it was one of the greatest games I have ever played with its multi-branching storyline, its good action and its very interesting characters.However the same cannot be said of this awful OVA adaptation of this classic game because really this is just three OVA episodes of hack, pure and simple hack! I mean they got the look of the characters of the game down but the plot was totally atrocious and save for basics like the main character being kidnapped and made into an assassin there is little resemblance to the game plot! All in all this was a dreadful OVA! One of the worst I ever saw with its poor plot and horrendous characterisation. This is one to give a miss!