Penthouse: The All Pet Workout

1993 "The last thing this workout program is is a workout program!"
Penthouse: The All Pet Workout
7.2| 0h54m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1993 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Six fabulous Penthouse Pets share their secrets of keeping their hard bodies taut and trim. Comedian Mark Pitta takes you up close and personal as these sexy Pets go through an erotic series of stretching, pumping, and toning - in and out of the hottest aerobic outfits you've ever seen. They definitely leave nothing to the imagination! And as if that weren't enough, these world-class models then show off the results in their own sizzling video centerfolds. Finally, a workout take that will leave you breathless for all the right reasons.

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