Although the reason behind the madness is not all that credible, the madness that ensues is compelling. This is a solid nail biter that will have you on the edge of your seat, thanks mainly to believable acting from Rachel Nichols (reminding me of Jodie Foster in Panic Room). The cat and mouse game became rather intense, and I so enjoyed the ending!
I have to put in my two cents for this one because the rating for the movie is overinflated in my book. The premise is simple and gives one the expectation of a classic victim turned tormentor scenario, but it turned out to be more campy and frustrating than the usual fare. Acting was over the top and the actor portraying Tom has definitely done better. There were multiple situations where the bad guy was WIDE OPEN but the protagonist screws it up with poor choices or poor timing or both. It needed better acting and writing and maybe it could have chalked up to a decent cat & mouse game flick.
This movie did have some suspenseful moments, creepy atmosphere and gory kills. The acting is good, especially by Rachel Nichols. I think the biggest downfall for me was the character Thomas. Yes, we knew he was obsessed with Angela and the actor did well as the "nutcase obsessed killer" but really he was so over the top and just came across so low functioning that I was surprised he could hold down a job let alone a job as a security guard.
A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."P2" (R - 2007 - US)Sub-Genre: Psycho/ThrillerMy Score: 6.3Cast=7 Acting=8 Plot=4 Ending=7 Story=5 Scare=6 Jump=5 F/X=6 Psycho=8 Intense=7A businesswoman is pursued by a psychopath after being locked in a parking garage on Christmas Eve. "How could you kill a poor, defenseless animal? Angela! You're really starting to pi$$ me off!" This was a pretty good psychopathic thriller...good stalker elements and solid acting by the leads. He doesn't have the contract of San Venganza, but Wes Bentley makes a solid bad guy. Since it happens on Christmas Eve, I guess you can call it a holiday horror movie. There's not much of a premise or story...just a simple thought that was well executed. Take the elevator down to P2 and give this a watch.