Operation: Endgame

2010 "Two rival teams of assassins. One killer day at the office."
4.9| 1h22m| R| en| More Info
Released: 20 July 2010 Released
Producted By: Anchor Bay Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A battle ensues among two government spy teams in an underground facility after their boss is assassinated.

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Idly Okay so obviously I gave it 10 for the fact that its worth more than a lower-average score and maybe that's all. But its really not that bad.The obvious thing that you should not, and could not (according to me) deny is the movie is interesting. Especially if you can't tell its ending, and I suppose you couldn't. Its not about the action scenes(that you don't like), the humor (that you may not laugh at), or the great actors (well this you may like, a lot) but the mood that those scenes gave is something that will keep you watching it, no matter how impatient to it you are. And I'll say, you do, disappointed when it comes to the end, mostly cause its meaningless (to me) but I think the story was filmed the best way it could be. Speaking about story, I mean, the plot is like all twisted and messed up with no specific point (even til the end, or if it was, its quite irrelevant) but the script is an interesting point, it was written pretty good as its inviting, thriller, involved, and made some senses. All the good point aside, you may also find this movie not worth your precious time. Cause I suppose, the main point of it, was into political, despite all those mysterious and extraordinary and unreal things the movie tried to present, it eventually aimed to polity - and even unspecific (I'd rather it be) - which is for me, the biggest disappointed and meaningless thing I can think of.Besides that, its worth few hours exchanged for some dramatic moments for your regular day. I just wonder what the real point of the movie was...
Sophie Neveu Well, first of all, I'm giving the movie a ten to balance the awful grades it has gotten. And yes, this IS a good movie to watch: it's entertaining, funny and it CAN happen, or has, if you think about it.If you have heard any conspiracy theories throughout your life, even if you totally blow them off, you have to watch this movie. And of course, this movie is not for everyone, you have to know a little American history and have a little of an open mind to digest it, but still, I predict it will became a c.c.In other reviews I've read, I saw a lot of criticism towards the actors, like they were "phoning it in" (which I totally disagree), I think they're missing the point, the movie is not about an specific character or action scenes, it's about the situation, and that's why this movie is funny!I really hope you watch it. Enjoy!!!
fearthepeople I would recommend everyone just go and watch the show Archer instead of this frustratingly stupid piece of work, which essentially comes off like a bunch of less-than-exceptional college film students with way too much budget attempting to be the show Archer. The premise, that top espionage agents curse and yell at each other in the manner of 19-year-olds pregaming a house party, gets tired within the first 5 minutes, as soon as you realize that the writers really don't have any other comedic ideas to offer, and that the story and characters themselves are all mind-numbingly uninteresting. Besides this fundamental lack of vision, the other flaw that really does this film in is its inability to set the right tone, which flounders around between lame indie drama, badly-choreographed action scenes, and amateur-improv-group-style comedic exchanges.
amesmonde 'Operation Endgame', a procedure, has trapped two teams of assassins underground, and triggered a countdown to the demolition of The Factory. Can anyone escape alive as the teams of crack assassins begin to turn on each other?Comic book bloody violence and a few funny one liners are present but sadly there's little amusement or action in a poorly paced disjointed film. It tries to say something about the Bush administration but never commits, and in the process of doing so wastes a first- rate and talented cast ensemble.Sloppy filmmaking at best, especially when compared to the likes of Losers or Reds.