Operation Condor

1991 "On his most dangerous mission ever, the world's toughest secret agent isn't going in alone."
Operation Condor
7.2| 1h47m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 10 May 1991 Released
Producted By: Paragon Films
Country: Hong Kong
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Hired by a Spanish baron, Hong Kong treasure hunter Jackie, a.k.a. "Asian Hawk" and his entourage seek WWII Nazi gold buried in the Sahara Desert.

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Python Hyena Operation Condor (1991): Dir: Jackie Chan / Cast: Jackie Chan, Carol Cheng, Eva Cobo De Garcia, Shoko Ikeda, Daniel Mintz: Two hours of stunts with little plot to be seen. It involves a hidden base that Jackie Chan is sent in search for gold. Equipped with a pass-way key he ventures to the desert accompanied by three women who cannot act. Predictable and dense with a screenplay where the heights of excitement is Chan kicking someone's face in. Chan is no better directing than he is acting. He is terrific at the stunts, which seem to be the point anyway. He has a likable sense of humour and an impressive physical disposition but the stunts are the norm. He seems to be in combat in nearly every scene but then again, people do not go into a Chan flick expecting dramatic payoff. Nonetheless the plot should be intriguing enough to be worthy the price of admission. The photography and production seem to be the only element that can cut in. He is joined by Carol Cheng, Eva Cobo De Garcia and Skoko Ikeda and they are an embarrassment. These three women give good indication as to why the divorce rate is so high. They overact to the max in every miserable scene we have to process. The purpose seems to be the stunts and how far Chan can slam his foot up someone's ass. It is an exercise in bad acting and three annoying women who should never be caught on film again. Score: 1 / 10
Sean Newgent Also known as Operation Condor in America (while the first film in this series is called Operation Condor 2: The Armour of God...thanks for that confusion) Armour of God 2 is an attempt at making an Indiana Jones-esque adventure film but with Jackie Chan doing what he does best, kicking butt using martial arts.It's a hilarious film, one of his funnier ones, and also contains a lot of good slapstick action sequences. Jackie is hunting down a Nazi treasure with two girls who are both annoying, but provide for one of the best scenes in a Chan movie (the hilarious hotel scene). Along the way he fights Nazis and natives of the desert.The action of this film isn't as good as many of Chan's movies but it's a great movie for, as I said, the comedic aspect. This film is funny as hell. It's definitely an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.Recommended.
ebiros2 This movie is rumored to been made to make up for the loss incurred on Jackie Chan's 1989 movie "Miracles". Whether this is true or not, I'm glad that he decided to make this sequel to the Armour of god.Hawk or Jackie depending on which dubbed version you're watching (Jackie Chan) is asked to recover Nazi's gold hidden in the Sahara desert. Ada (Do Do Chen) who works for the government, tags along. Jackie also meets Elsa (Eva Cobo), and Momoko (Shoko Ikeda) along the way. There are gang of Arabs, and ex-Nazi group after the gold. They are each after the key that Jackie's entourage has. Comedy, and actions are pure Jackie Chan in this movie. Maybe this movie has the best mixture of them both. Casting is good, and I think Do Do Chen and Eva Cobo were spot on for their role. How Jackie got out of the mess in the end, I'll never know, but the adventures in the middle were one of the best I've seen. A movie that's entertaining for wide audiences, and I'm sure it will be the favorite of many fans in the future.
ccthemovieman-1 This is so Grade B, cartoon-like with some unbelievably stupid dialog and action stunts.......BUT it's still fun to watch because of some great high-tech stunts, good photography and sound and corny-but-good humor with a likable hero played by the likable Jackie Chan.Made in Hong Kong, the film is dubbed in English so beware of that. Things may not always sound in sync. The humor is mostly slapstick so I would assume this film would appeal a lot more to men than women. There almost no profanity and no nudity so if some of the intense action scenes don't bother you, you might let your kids see this. They'd probably like it and get plenty of laughs.Chan always has a few unique action scenes. In this movie, the most memorable one is at the end involving huge fans, greatly affecting the combatants in a tunnel. Fun to watch.