This movie explores the Brazilian self defense dance capoeira which is not known much about unless you've seen it. Lewis(Dacascos)returns to the high school from which he came where he is hired to teach a group of delinquents capoeira in order to harness their otherwise bad habits. He runs into some serious problems with a leader of the gang and city, Silverio(Prieto). Lewis may be getting involved with a problem that he can't solve in this action/martial arts movie. "Only the Strong" brings to light a very interesting capoeira that is otherwise unknown to common knowledge. The soundtrack also deserves some attention if you have any respect for music around the world. This movie throws in the catchy music that introduces the unique berimbau instrument that is used during the jogo (the game). Overall, "Only the Strong" was a C+ to B- movie on the basis of knowledge gained from it and overall originality that it took to create it on a low budget.
I saw a preview of this movie nearly 10 years ago, so I went right out and rented it. I really loved it, but I could never remember the name. I hunted high and low for the cover which made a lasting impression on me, but to no avail. Today I was chanel surfing, as I normally do, and there it was, ON British TV!!! I was amazed. I had to sit and watch it. Now I will always remember that "Only the Strong" is the best motivational movie I have ever seen, though there was one noticeable inaccuracy. When Louis (Mark Dacascos) is in his BDU's, he has his sleeves rolled like a Marine, though he was is a former Green Barret. Other than that I was impressed with the movie.
Whilst the action scenes may not be the hottest around, Only The Strong succeeds in sending a healthy message to young people - there is more than one way to enjoy your youth and assert yourself; don't use violence except in self-defence. Marc Dacascos is convincing as Louis Stevens who used to be a rebelious teenager himself, but succeeded in learning from his mistakes and now wishes to make a difference in the lives of others.The unique fighting style combined with rythm and music produced lots of healthy entertainment and sent the message that persons capable of self defence could also be creative and sensitive.
This movie is great. Personally I like it for the fighting more than the story but the story was good too. Perhaps its not as good as matrix but it's the best for its kind, realism wise that is. So go out there and watch it.