Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie

Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie
6.4| 1h20m| en| More Info
Released: 07 August 2013 Released
Producted By: France 3 Cinéma
Country: France
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Ever since the world was born, two forces have been locked in perpetual battle. Their struggle is so Manichean, so ferocious, so Herculean that it makes the clash between good and evil look like a game of checkers! This ancestral duel is so ancient and so merciless that it can only be, Oggy against the Cockroaches!

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France 3 Cinéma

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The Hateful Citizen What about this movie? I paid to see this film ... A film inspired by an animated series already bad but there, one touches the bottom, an hour twenty of meowing, justified by a story that does not stand up, really, There is nothing positive in this movie and I regret not being able to put 0 ... The sh*t in the pure state
dlscott1111 My 3 year old nephew became a fan of these crazy cats while playing Angry Birds. Oggy and the Cockroaches are featured as one of the "Angry Bird Toons" that he regularly watches on his Android Tablet. He was glued to every minute of this movie! There's no dialog (a la Tom and Jerry) but you don't need any as the characters act out everything really well. The movie is broken into shorts. It starts with the dawn of man, heads through the cave man days and the discovery of fire, makes a stop in the middle ages, goes to London for a mystery with Sherlock Holmes, and finishes up with a computer rendered Star Wars episode. Good clean fun throughout. If you have little ones, they will love this!