
2000 "A cruise to hell"
3.1| 1h40m| en| More Info
Released: 21 September 2000 Released
Producted By: Nu Image
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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During the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a Russian submarine strays into American waters. On board is a nuclear cargo destined for Castro. The Americans attack and destroy the sub. 38 years later US submarine Roosevelt is in the same waters. An unknown object attacks and disables the sub with devastating force and drags the vessel to the bottom of the ocean. What lies on the ocean bed beggars belief: dozens of wrecks, among them the sub destroyed 38 years ago. Whatever was on board has fed a creature of unbelievable size and strength! The only way out is the emergency submersible and a passing cruise ship. Above or below the water, there is no escape from the monster mutant octopus with a nuclear diet...

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Stevieboy666 An American submarine is attacked by a giant octopus, but there is also danger on the inside in the shape of a dangerous terrorist (not helped by the most inept special agent in history!). If you enjoy creature movies with dumb plots, bad acting, terrible scripts and cheap "special" effects then this one is for you. Otherwise give it a wide berth. The only thing that I gained from watching this rubbish was a headache!
swifty77 I wanted this to be a good film. I really wanted to be able to log onto IMDb and blow you away with my opinion that 'Octopus' wasn't actually a bad movie. But John Eyres let me down and now I begrudgingly come to you and beg you not to watch this 100 minutes of disappointment. Let me start by telling you that the premise of the movie wasn't actually that bad. If done right, it would've made for a decent monster attack movie. But other than the premise 'Octopus' was a film that just didn't have a clue what genre to put itself into. Post introduction, I found myself watching a spy conspiracy thriller that involved a terrorist blowing up a kid in the US Embassy, a gunfight in the streets and an exploding car. People died, man, and I felt this had somehow turned into a cheap 'Die Hard' and was wondering how the f*** a mutant octopus would fit into the story. The truth is the octopus never really did fit into the story but that might have been more due to the fact we saw it for all of twenty seconds at the end. Which is a shame as the CGI was by no means as awful as it is for most straight to video releases. The terrorist subplot was weak and made the story farcical. The black guy died. Lowery's tough action chick was a mess of sexual stereotypes. The protagonist - I don't even know the guy's name - was a massive wet s***. The octopus was the most realistic element of the plot and, as a supposed monster movie, this film would definitely have improved if there had actually been more monster in it. But I guess that's what 'Octopus 2' gives us. I hope...
info-806-601937 Of all the bad Hollywood productions this movie makes my top ten list. It's quite surprising that this piece of crap resulted in a movie that got even bought by a German TV station and some sorry desperate wanna bes even dubbed this masterpiece of awfulness. The cast consists of absolute losers and who is this clown who directed this? No need to say more, it's as if George W. Bush or some Scientology fanatic sat in the director's chair. Don't even bother to waste a minute of your time to watch this idiotic piece. Oh, and now IMDb wants me to write at least ten lines in order to get this review published... But I've said everything I got to say....
denysears Well, it is entertaining. It seems that every 15 seconds something happens that is so laughably idiotic, that everyone watching can get a poke in at some point. The film seems to be incompetent on every level. The acting seems terrible, but it is difficult to criticize, since turning out a decent performance with this script would be impossible. For example, the oceanographer, Dr. Lisa Finch, strips more often than she analyzes anything. Carolyn Lowery was obviously cast for her boobs more than for acting ability, but how could she possibly be convincing in the role of scientist and compulsive seductress at the same time? When she has to swim for her life, she takes off her skirt and leaves her shoes on. Some scientist. The writing goofs are hilarious though. Whenever the ride gets rough, ketchup bottles, stored on an open shelf crash to the floor (someone should tell submarine designers to stow those away). A giant octopus survives several mine blasts, and keeps coming, yet runs yelping when a tentacle is shot with a pistol. Later, it survives a nuclear fission blast, only to be smashed to atoms by a few sticks of dynamite at the end. A cruise ship is hunting an attack sub, which makes about as much sense as an elephant hunting a cheetah (what will it do if it catches it?). Our "hero," Roy Turner, is assigned to a sub, walks out on a pier at the edge of a lake, and the sub surfaces--in the lake! If you need a laugh, I would recommend this one any day. I give it a two out of ten, because we got a kick out of it. One warning though: this one is so bad it's good if watched with friends, but if viewed alone, might be so bad it's bad.