The film is dedicated to Croatian soldiers who died in an ambush in the early stages of the war for independence. It doesn't work well as a dedication though. We learn very little about characters or political background or broader picture of the war (or heaven forbid, the enemy's angle) since the director prefers to shoot action scenes. More precisely, one big action scene. There's barely any pause among constant gun fire. The director sticks to his strong suit - the action is shot well and will make your heart race. While special effects and gruesome deaths are convincing, the combat itself leaves a lot to be desired. Enemies stagger around the heroes' stronghold or charge at it dying in dozens (Maybe hundreds? Somebody should do the body count) instead of chucking grenades through windows. They are ugly, fat, bearded and of course adorned with chetnik insignia. Don't expect any subtlety in the portrayal of the enemy.Acting is not great but for Croatian standards it's not bad either. Let's just say it doesn't get in the way. I'm a Croat and the film did engage and was in some ways better than I expected (which just goes to show how bad Croatian films usually are) so I benevolently gave it 7 stars. If I didn't have the emotional connection I would've given it 5 stars tops. In that case I would've wondered why the film is recorded in a first place. If you want to deliver a patriotic message there are better ways to do it than shooting 70 minutes of shooting.
A good 16 years after "Saving Private Ryan" set quite a milestone in production design of war epics, came this Croatian war flick and jumped at the chance to copy-paste some notable aspects of it, based on the fact that nobody here had done it beforehand. As is usual with Croatian film-making, the copy is rather pale, misguided and inappropriate, and, as usual, tries to hide the lack of depth in the story. The end result is laughable and cringe-worthy.What was the director thinking? First he has the camera dollying through the walls of the house the main characters use as a stronghold. All the authenticity is immediately lost because it looks like theatre and a satire. Then some shooting starts and it turns all shaky-camy. Then an explosion in slow-motion. Then a character gets killed, again in slow-motion. Then more shaking of camera. Then another character dies slow-motion. Then another character runs and screams into a wide-lens close-up of his face (think GoPro)... Kristijan Milic is clearly a victim of shallow trickery and quite oblivious to a bigger picture. The pace and the tension in his films give way to pure cheese.Bleach-bypass picture is a bad choice for presenting the early 1990s war action. It tries, rather amateurishly and bluntly, to emulate "Saving Private Ryan", forgetting that the purpose of bleach-bypass in "Saving Private Ryan" was to emulate 1940s war journals. They should've copied "Black Hawk Down" instead.The screenplay lacks clarity and logic in describing action. The eye is unaware what's actually happening and where. We see mostly "good guys", very seldom do we get a chance to see what they see. From military point-of-view, what characters do from time to time is just ridiculous, such as whispering while there is already shooting going on and the enemy is 200 yards away. The opponents often don't even try to hide and charge like idiots. The dialog is full of corny one liners and truisms lifted from better films. Bad language is thrown in so frivolously and forcibly one thinks it's been spoken by robots, not people suffering in bad circumstances. Bad acting doesn't help bring it to life, either.Ironically, for all the time the camera sticks with the Croatian platoon, we still don't get to quite know them or care about them. All there is to see is a bunch of dirty and desperate people, getting picked off one by one in gruesome manner. One has to belong to domestic (Croatian) audience to be able to appreciate what's on screen, because only domestic audience has had the "privilege" of being heavily indoctrinated about piety, poignancy and suffering of Croatian soldiers during the War of Independence. The viewers that are not "in the know" will get bored very soon because the film crew cared more about cramming all the clichés they possibly could than telling the actual story.The film caps everything off with a series of photographs suggesting it was a depiction of a real-life event. The dead people in those photos were members of the actual platoon that got ambushed and killed off in one of numerous small-time battles during the war. This cheese-fest does them no justice whatsoever. And to hijack their names like that to add some undeserved credibility to another lousy cinematic effort is not only cheesy in itself, but is also to bury those people for the second time.
You people are so stupid. This film is about Croatian soldiers who tried to stop Serbian grenades coming from the near village and targeting the town of Pakrac. You think this is pointless??? My father was in war and he told me that they were singing Croatian songs and playing cards on the battlefield and we Croatians love our country and we will give anything to protect Her! While I was watching this film my heart was kicking my chest like someone was inside me trying to get out. You don't understand the point of this film. This is a true story. This is exactly how was there in 1991. I could write a million page book to tell the story about Croatia's history since 7th century until today.
This is a war movie. A pride of Croatia's cinematography of 2014. Portraying a famous battle of Croatia's war for independence in 1991. But, it is a poor effort. Though the photography and effects in some cases are decent, that is a small gain against fake dialogs, meaningless script and small time acting. The story goes about a trip of a DIY tank into Serbian village on Croatia's territory and the authors would like us to believe that the tank is actually assaulted by rebelled ethnic minority rather than the armored vehicle attacking the village in the act of ethnic cleansing. And those believing the first, are good guys, and those believing the second are bad, ugly, SOB s. The enemy is portrayed as an unintelligent bunch of ugly drunks- with compliments of wartime propaganda department. They are so stupid that they are playing cards in a stable fifty meters away from a battle, running in bunches on surrounded enemy, jumping into house occupied by the enemy through the window without using a hand grenade in front, giving the sound department a chance to terrorize spectator's ears with gunfire sound while good guys are killing them in dozens. Not much better than in partisan movies mass produced in former Yugoslavia by semi artistic propaganda teams. Both sides are using World War II names of Nazi collaborators - Chetniks and Ustashe for the opposite side, which were actually both sides' propaganda names (Chetniks have some history of resistance to Nazis, BTW). Good guys are so good that they do not notice that they have almost children among them, that they did not mean to but they must and that some of them are looking more scary than real Nazi butchers. Anyway, their war effect is not worth a Croatian Serb's house destroyed while giving them a cover and film makers' effect is not worth blanks used. If you decide to waste a more of an hour and a half of meaningless "our boys against the evil ones" story, your head will echo with loud gunfire noise while you're sending to hell Balkan tribes and their conflicts. No artistic values just film makers trying to engrave their names into national monument.