Ninja Cheerleaders

2008 "Fight to cheer another day"
3.4| 1h21m| R| en| More Info
Released: 12 August 2008 Released
Producted By: Mercurybar Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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3 college cheerleaders use their martial arts know-how to save their Sensei from mafia kidnappers, but must keep their extra curricular activities a secret in order to make it into an Ivy League school.

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carlinturian Seriously, the title says it all, 3 girls not only have the time to be cheerleaders, ninjas and intelligent women aiming for Ivy League dreams, they're also go-go dancers!These protagonists are taught by their sensei: Master Hiroshi (George Takei)who also happens to be the owner of the strip club the girls work at.You'll be drawn in with it's breathtaking choreography, thoughtful social commentary and strong female protagonists who also enjoy being feminine and are more competent than their male counterparts.Take a view and you wont be disappointed!
nytebreid Yes, it is exactly the quality of film one would expect with that title. Neither even the (very brief) flesh factor nor the 'cheese' factor save this thing. It is a crime that this has not yet made the IMDb bottom 100. I am seriously sitting here trying to think of something positive to say... anything... nope, nothing. George Tekai must be seriously hurting for work. From a critical standpoint - the acting is bad. The direction is seemingly non-existent. I don't think I can really address the writing/script as I honestly think they just sort of made things up as they went along. I'll be honest here... I (like many people) watched this thing to see some cheap flesh--HERE'S THE SPOILER PART--The three main characters are never even seen topless. There are occasional pointless glimpses of a dancer between scenes, and a couple of women near the end at the announcement of the winners of the 'talent contest'. Seriously, watch 'Gigli' or 'Glitter' before resorting to this.
delibebek Cute. The girls are cute. The fight scenes are cute. The red VW Beetle is cute. Etc.These girls fight for justice, righting wrongs, selling Girl Scout cookies - that is, when they aren't stealing swords in the middle of the night, cheering at their junior college, and dancing at a strip club, where they never actually strip.It's funny how a B-movie like this contains less action than it would if it were an A-movie. There is actually more acting in this movie than I expected, given all the background elements thrown in at random. I think this movie was more fun to make than it is to watch, but it was fun for at least one viewing.
ronnymiller-1 Seriously this is one of the worst movies ever and yet it is entertaining in a way I can hardly describe. First: The Title. A movie titled "Ninja Cheerleaders" is just a "gotto see this movie" to me. Anyway - the story is incredibly stupid (cheerleader strippers fight to get back the strip club of their ninja master against Michael pare - and to top it, they have to win a strip contest to get money for college....ha ha ha ha). This is a great setting for a really funny but stupid film, but the camera work, the directing work, the music, the actors - everything is just so bad. It is so badly made, it is sometimes hard to watch. But the girls are cute, they are brutal, they beat up everything they can - and then their is Captain Sulu as the master and Michael Pare. I want to like this film - if it was better edited and directed, it be a classic trash one - like this, it is just a film for men, who wanna see babes beat up guys.