Having been a long time fan of Asian films within multiple genre, I found this title to be a great example of Korean sci-fi perspective finely wrought. Though some might focus on flaws in minute detail, this reviewer is rating this film on a comparative basis. No need to list other K-movie titles here as that would detract from my intent. Suffice to say that many lesser craft were floated in the sea of Korean science fiction films.I read reviews here comparing this to the fine Phillip K. Dick adaptation titled "Bladerunner" and agree there are many parallel themes. Given current global trends, this reviewer feels that Natural City is a natural expansion on the ideas incorporated in the original fiction story.Well produced with an eye for detail by both director(s) and editors, as well as seemingly terse but at times poignant acting, this is a title well worth a second look.I read someone here say the acting was wooden. Hmmmm. Perhaps that poster does not understand Asian demeanor nor the intent of the director to display the dislocated environment within which these characters live. Science-Fiction is extrapolation. No less and no more. If one expects ideas and human elements combined with adequate acting and direction, then this product will entertain.Derivations aside, (even "Bladerunner" was an adaptation) some critics may perhaps broaden their climes and see that imitation is both flattery and homage to thought and endeavour. Enough said.This is my first review here as I was piqued by some of the critics.In summary...good acting and direction, detailed and well shot. Hope to see more from these players all.
I rate this movie high on the visuals. Yes its Blade Runner-ish but truth be told it would be very difficult to make any "cyberpunk" or movie with cyborgs and humans without it somehow taking elements from BladeRunner.The visuals and CG are very good. The story line is a bit confusing in the beginning. It is also a tad slow and on the longish side. The movie's plot is around a special forces cop who is trying to extend the life of his cyborg girlfriend (cyborgs have expiry dates). He does unscrupulous stuff etc and pays a rogue cyborg manufacturer to extend her life. Of course the mad scientist have an agenda of his own whose disclosure leads to the last sequence of the movie.The action scenes are quite good although dark. The story so-so. but I give points to how good the movie looked. I would recommend this movie if you are into the whole cyberpunk genre and enjoy visuals over deep stories and acting.
Several times in my comments i've said how i'm getting more and more interested in korean current cinema (i still don't feel comfortable to investigate its past). In later years, i think some of the best films coming out are korean. Among their vast production, we have two directors with whom i commit seriously. Because i have this interest, because korean films appeal to me, even when they fail, i've been wondering of the reasons for this. So far i think korean cinema reflects their culture. And that culture is a thin balance between west and east values. Korea is, in most aspects, apparently a country ruled by western principles. Yet, at root, it is an eastern country, coming from the same cradle as Japan and China. So these films i enjoy, beyond their own characteristics, reflect this balance, reflects the essence of two opposed visions of society.Sometimes the film presses more on the spiritual construction of koreans, which i think still remains oriental in its core. Other times it marvels at topping western narrative structures. Kim Ki Duk and Wook Park are the best in each case. The reason why i mention all this is because this film is totally inserted in this context. But here the balance falls totally for the western side, and is not at all satisfactory in it. The film tackles Bladerunner in its cosmology, in how the world works, in how people in this world face their reality, and even in the physical shape of that world. But where Blade Runner was a matter of memories, dream-real, parallel versions and constant redefinition of realities, here all this is exchanged for a pure "love" story. None of that Dick ambiguity, instead a plain soap operish story about how a man overcomes rejection and compromises to save his forbidden lover, a 'replicant' who will die soon. There is no trick in how the story unfolds, there is no surprise to amaze us, there is no origami in this one. Anyway we don't have that grand scale eye Ridley Scott placed at the service of Phil Dick's vision. We have a mere celebration of huge sets, strange worlds (which are not that fascinating , by the way), and Matrix based slow motion. We have few things to see here.My opinion: 1/5 http://www.7eyes.wordpress.com
I don't suggest this film. I wasn't able to watch more than 20' of this film... I wonder how did this movie have above 1 ratting... :( very bad film... There is almost NO connection between the scenes... I'm afraid that this movie has nothing to provide... Only laugh but sometimes even laugh gets boring... The hypothesis is lost... The whole setting is u-n-r-e-a-l-i-s-t-i-c... This is my 1rst comment on a movie here and I'm so sad that it is for a "bad" comment..PS. there are thousand film to watch except the Natural City.. trust me....I 'll vote: 1