My Name Is Harlequin

My Name Is Harlequin
6.2| 2h14m| en| More Info
Released: 01 March 1988 Released
Producted By: Belarusfilm
Country: Soviet Union
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A guy called Harlequin and his company, who call themselves "wolves", live at a stop near the city, where they often go to "relax" - in search of thrills. And they're not just bullies, at least they think they are. They beat metalheads and fascists for ideological reasons, assert their simple order based on a special kind of justice and the right of the strong. In addition, Harlequin himself tries to think about complex universal values and connect them with the way of life he leads. However, he is faced with people who have their own order, not the same as the main character. And then the party life turns into a real tragedy.

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