My Heart Beats

My Heart Beats
6| 1h46m| en| More Info
Released: 28 July 2011 Released
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A poor and lonely English professor, Juri(37), decides to become a porn actor using a mask to hide behind, after she watches an unusual porn, featuring an old and fat woman. And she visits Myungsook, a porn producer, despite their separation of 10 years. After various tests and rigorous diets Juri finally stars in a porn film with an attractive young porn star, Byul(20), who saves money for studies abroad to become a professor. He sports a flawless body except a deep scar across his chest. However on the set, she keeps pushing Byul away, and nobody knows that she is a virgin.

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cacosta6 This is such a great film. Because of the description I just expected a lot of sex scenes and not much of anything else. However, I was wrong. There's so much depth to this film. Its Really a story about trying to discover that one thing that makes you happy and that you live for. It contained a little bit of romance, and erotica. Also contained a lot of comedy which I was not expecting. Its honestly a hilarious movie because of the main lead who is amazing at playing this awkward,shy woman who loves porn and thinks a lot about having sex but has never had sex or any kind of intimacy with a man. Her awkwardness just makes you want to cringe in embarrassment for her or just laugh. Well it made me laugh most of the time. I was seriously laughing through out the film. Overall, a great film. Seriously watch it.
pyburnjudie My Heart Beats (2011) is a Korean film with English subtitles.A middle-aged female professor, portrayed by Korean actress Yoo Dong-Sook, learns about life. Not wanting to divulge too much, suffice it to say my heart felt warm at the conclusion of this movie. The movie had all of the elements that to me make a great movie,comedy,drama, romance were all included. The subtitles did not bother me, I found it easy to follow. The acting was well done, by all. The music and photography was right on. This is not a children s movie as it has porn and a abundance of sex. But never did I find it distasteful. I was pleasantly surprised and was not ready for it to end. In fact, I am going to watch it again.