Mutant Hunt

1987 "Man has created his ultimate enemy."
3.6| 1h16m| en| More Info
Released: 01 June 1987 Released
Producted By: Beyond Infinity
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In New York City sometime in the near future, Z, the evil chairman of the Inteltrax Corporation, has taken a small army of cyborgs designed to perform hazardous tasks and altered them to kill humans for pleasure. The inventor of the cyborgs, Dr. Paul Haynes, is held captive, and his sister Darla seeks the aid of Matt Riker, an expert in high-tech weaponry and martial arts.

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Shite Night The movie takes place in a dystopian world after the "space shuttle sex murders", which is never quite explained, but I believe it sets up this movie for an incredible prequel. A scientist and a woman that looks like Cher have evil cyborg mutants that they get high. The mutant cyborgs are all dressed like they're member's of Devo and pretty much attack everybody they find on the street for what seems to be no reason at all. The movie comes to an exiting climax when they develop a cyborg that looks like a mummy and send it to fight a couple of guys on a bridge. This is probably the best release from wizard video...For a full review check out the link below.
yeodawg Hokay the trailer will have you think that an executive releases mutants into New York, and terrorizes the city turning everybody into zombie. The cops are defenseless, the first responders can't do anything, accept for this Black –Water Security Agent doing a favor for a friend. I forgot this movie was done before 911, before 28days later it was done influenced by "TERMINATOR". So a bunch of Douche-bags wearing ray-bans, cover-alls, and sporting crew cuts plod around the city. But instead of terrorizing the citizens (ooohhh fun), they're self –aware and hunt the mercenaries out to attack them. The only thing more stiff, plodding, slow and un-coordinated than the Mutants (Cyborg's) are the mercs. For the 80's it was probably awesome but for 2011 it's laughable.
R C Mutant Hunt is a movie I've wanted to see ever since learning of its existence - admit it, the title is irresistible - only, of course, to be disappointed by what a turd it inevitably turned out to be. From Tim Kincaid and the team behind Breeders, this follow-up fails to live up to the already low expectations aroused by that tacky but fun exercise in sci-fi cheesecake. Where Breeders was dopey, decently paced, and filled with quality nudity, Mutant Hunt is dopey, dull, and just barely weird enough to keep it from being a total waste of time.The script is lame, the fights are drab, the heroes have all the charisma of musclebound Ben Steins, and after the goofy energy of the opening scenes, Mutant Hunt sags into an apparent indifference to itself, droning along and tugging at the poor viewer's patience until the 76 minutes feel more like 120.Saving this one from utter abomination, thankfully, are the unintentional humor and gooey effects attendant upon the pack of cheap, zombie-like titular creatures, who are actually lumbering Terminatoresque cyborgs on dope that supposedly makes them sex maniacs, though this aspect of their villainy is never really exploited. They're slimy and fairly disgusting to look at, which is nice, but I did find myself wishing the plot and porno-level budget had given them more in the way of havoc to wreak.
ejonconrad At the dawn of the direct to video market, Tim Kincaid took a break from making pornography to try his hand at being Ed Wood (who, come to think of it, also made pornography). Anyway, a couple of his efforts, "Breeders" and "Bad Girls Dormitory", have left a lasting impression with - well- the sort of people who watch that sort of movie.This movie can be best compared to Kincaid's other movie "Robot Holocaust", his attempt at a post-apocalyptic action film. However, whereas the latter is so hilariously bad that it's fun to watch even without the MST3K comments, this movie is just bad in a lame 80's sort of way - right down to the pounding synthesizer soundtrack that has you wondering when the aerobics class is going to start.Yes, there are a few comically bad scenes. For example, why does a "mercenary" adorn his apartment with every weapon every made - except a loaded gun? But they're few and far between. Mostly, it's just boring.Not worth the time, even to make fun of it.