Mupeng (Muka Pengen)

2008 "Maksud ati meluk gunung, ape daya muke nanggung"
Mupeng (Muka Pengen)
5.5| 1h28m| en| More Info
Released: 23 October 2008 Released
Producted By: Rapi Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Angga, Abi, and Eksa, are three single friends, living and studying in the same campus. One night, they have the same dream about a beautiful and sexy girl. Then Rebecca joins their campus and she is just as sexy as the girl in their dream. Rebecca’s arrival in the campus causes a commotion, as all male students are enthralled by her. Then Angga, Abi, and Eksa decide to try to win Rebecca’s heart.

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Rapi Films

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