Vin Diesel wrote and directed this short film, based on his experiences as a struggling actor. The film consists of Vin attending various auditions, changing his appearances, dialogue and line-delivery, constantly trying to "be somebody" in order to "impress" the casting directors. It's an interesting idea: "being somebody" in order to "impress somebody" so you can to "be somebody" and "impress somebodies".The film highlights how exploitative the movie business can be, how seductive its icons are, how these icons lure impressionable youths to Hollywood, how desperate actors become and how fickle the business of acting is.One wonders, however, if Vin simply made this film to showcase his range as an actor. The film consists of several audition sequences in which Vin adopts different accents, different styles and different personas (he even raps in one scene), mimicking Pacino, Stallone, Brando etc. Is Vin trying to show off? Is he trying to wow us with his range? Or is this all meant to be a bit comedic? If Vin is honestly trying to stun us with his acting, then he fails miserably. Or rather, because he fails, the film takes on the form of a really sad tragedy, Vin mourning his own desperation; his own, in a way, uselessness.7.9/10 – Worth one viewing..
This short was everything people told me it was going to be. I love Vin Diesel and anybody who loves him, and people who don't should see this. The people who love him should see the work that inspired speilberg (sp) to wrtite him into Saving Private Ryan and the people who think that he's a bad actor should see this just to eat there words. Oh, and just as an added little bonus, if you see this, you also get to see vin rap, :). All in all, a highly recomended movie. 10/10
i first saw vin diesel in pitch black and fell in love with him instantaneously, then i saw multi-facial and this guy has some REAL talent. He is so much better than some of the big-time hollywood actors out there. He really blew me away because he portrayed different characters to the tee. he was awesome, the short film was awesome, the writing was awesome, and vin was awesome (still is).
I was very grateful to have had the opportunity to see this short and view the director's comments. I connected with the character and his search for his identity in so many ways. I am multi-cultural by birth; I understand getting lost in the wake of many different cultures and the behavior, expectations, and biases. His exploration of being multi-cultural strikes a chord in all people of multi-cultural lineage. It was a small, revealing, poignant view into Vin Diesel, the person, and he was brave to show it. Multi-Facial, multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, any way you put it, the inner turmoil of identity is hard to escape. I connected... and I am grateful that I am not alone.