Mourning Wife: Shallow and Deep

Mourning Wife: Shallow and Deep
5.5| 1h0m| en| More Info
Released: 22 April 1994 Released
Producted By: Production Taka
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Sayoko had a hidden side. Sayoko was assaulted by her boss, Kamijou, and she continued their relationship, and Kamijou's sexual play turned her into a woman. Later, when Kamijo decided to marry the officer's daughter, he forced Sayoko onto her subordinates. However, even after their marriage, Kamijou and Sayoko continued their relationship. Another subordinate, Kimura, was jealous of this and wanted to hold Sayoko someday. Later, Sayoko's husband died in an accident while on a business trip. Kimura, who was invited to her memorial service, can't hold back Sayoko, who is wearing mourning clothes, and pushes her down, and when he gropes her private parts, Sayoko is already wet...

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Production Taka

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