Mount Hideaway Mysteries: Heartache and Homecoming

Mount Hideaway Mysteries: Heartache and Homecoming
5.3| 2h5m| en| More Info
Released: 06 May 2022 Released
Producted By: Big Why Media
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Amy Bradford, the beautiful small town veterinarian and crime scene investigator, just lost her best friend in a car accident. It seems like the last straw in a series of pain and tragedy that has her questioning her Christian faith and her future. When she learns her friend's death was actually a murder, she must set aside her grief and find the strength to solve the crime, and thwart a cyber-attack on the secret government facility where her dad works. There's a handsome detective in town who may be her true love, or the killer.

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Big Why Media

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