
2003 "Don't get caught with your pants down!"
3.6| 1h20m| R| en| More Info
Released: 08 April 2003 Released
Producted By: Brain Damage Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A serial killer mutates with a chemical inside a sewer, to become a monster made of human waste just as the FBI and police are onto him.

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Dan Ellis


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Brain Damage Films

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Machiavelli84 This is a movie about a giant piece of poo that kills people. Get them giggles out now.You get the feeling going into "Monsturd" that the crew knew exactly what the heck they were making. The film doesn't take itself seriously at all, and feels more like a satire of monster films than one trying to be a serious one. You have the law enforcement officer with a bitter family past, you have the government official who serves also as the film's love interest, you have the evil scientist, you have the big even that of course CAN'T be postponed because reasons...if you've seen it in a monster movie, you'll find it in here. The only difference is, instead of a giant shark or a giant dinosaur, this happens to be a giant piece of poop. As you can imagine, poop jokes abound. The name of the town is Butte County (yeah yeah, they pronounce it "bewt," but c'mon). The name of the convict that turns into the monster is Jack Schmidt (think about it...think about it...). Thankfully, the entire movie isn't just one giant poop joke, and when they actually do make poop jokes, it doesn't feel as forced as it could have been. Let me put it this way: Happy Madison films only WISH they could do poop jokes as funny as this.You also get the feeling that most of this movie was filmed over the course of a weekend. Some sequences are a bit awkwardly edited, as if they were filmed at different times and edited together later (eg., the interrogation of the little girl). The special effects are low budget, although the monster itself is pretty impressive as far as costumes go. The acting overall is terrible, and it comes across like every scene was done in one take. The only exceptions might be Dan West and Rick Popko as Deputies Dan and Rick respectively: seriously, almost every scene with these guys is hilarious, and their delivery is great. The best scene in the whole movie has them taking out a ventriloquist dummy as part of an anti-drug campaign for kids, and turning it into a case of police brutality. There are some other scenes obviously played for laughs, including one where the evil scientist tries to summon the poop monster by making fart sounds (no, really, it's a lot funnier than it sounds, trust me).A lot of times these low-budget horror comedies are duds, but this one was actually pretty enjoyable. It's hard for me to rate it properly, but it definitely is worth at least one viewing if you're into this kind of stuff.
ferbs54 A different set of critical criteria must be used when discussing a movie like 2003's "Monsturd," as opposed to, say, "Bonnie and Clyde" or "Wild Strawberries." Rather than seeking out subtle religious symbolism, impeccable acting, complex mise en scene or probing examinations of man's place in the universe, the issue boils down to one all-important question: Is the movie fun? Happily, in the case of "Monsturd," the answer is a decided yes. In it, the viewer meets escaped serial killer Jack Schmitt, who falls into a mess of experimental waste dumped down the sewer by the evil corporation Dutech and transforms into an 8'-high, lumbering (and to quote what is perhaps the picture's most amusing line) "fecal humanoid." And this sentient dejecta's propensity to attack the citizens of Butte County, CA through their toilets becomes even more problematic with the arrival of the area's annual chili cookoff! Anyway, this film (if one can even call it a film, having been shot straight to video) features higher production values than you might be expecting, and indeed looks a lot better than it deserves. Some of the gross-out scenes are fairly effective, and you will probably not feel like scarfing down chocolate pudding for many days after watching them. Naturally, the picture sports much in the way of toilet humor, some of it lame, much of it pretty funny (such as the sight of our heroes gearing up to do battle with the Monsturd by donning diaper helmets and priming their Super Soakers with anti-diarrhea and ordure!). The acting is so very amateurish that it is quite a hoot; too bad they couldn't get actresses Alison Doody and Merrin Dungey to star in this thing...and Italian filmmaker Pupi Avati to direct, for that matter! So yes, on the criterion of fun, "Monsturd" does satisfy. And for those who are interested, I've got the perfect title for a possible sequel. Are you ready? "Humanure"!
BookOfGeek I love movies, I do, I love even really dastardly bad ones. But this one, was one of those very few, that are so bad you can't even laugh at their stench (pun intended). This is House Of The Dead bad. I go into a movie called Monsturd and yeah expect a really bad movie, but it could have at least been a bad movie that had excellent acting, or a bad movie that had good camera angles. This movie had not even one saving factor. Yeah, it made me laugh that the moronic prison guards were obviously fooled by a mop with a fake painted doll under it. I haven't seen this in a while so if I'm incorrect about some of the detail there I'm sorry, it's not like it would matter. Nothing can possibly make this movie worse than it is. The sound is terrible, even Cannibal The Musical rivals it (I like that movie, but the sound is still bad) . Again, showing that there isn't even one saving grace for this movie to be near watchable. I love offensive movies, I really do, I like The Toxic Avenger, and Class Of Nukem High, because they are A class stink fests but at least they are shot semi-well. Anybody could shoot a movie like this with their dad's old hand-held camera from the 60's. It might have even saved it if it were black and white, so you could avoid the fact that nothing was done to even give it art direction. Ever seen the movie Slashers? That movie was so bad you could laugh, this movie takes you right into the land of the not even stupid enough to be funny.
artemis2854 This is a thoroughly enjoyable movie inasmuch as it never takes itself seriously.It's full of sight gags, burlesque and double entendre throughout. This is truly a send-up of all B-horror movies.I read about the film makers and it appears they wanted to make a film something like "Jack Frost," but with a "character" that was 180 degrees apart from the sanitary Jack.***SPOILERS*** Don't miss the bit with the ventriloquist dummy and take note of the name of the serial killer.Well done and entertaining. A "don't-miss" for any aficionado of satire.