Monster a Go-Go!

1965 "An astronaut went up- a "guess-what" came down!"
Monster a Go-Go!
1.8| 1h10m| en| More Info
Released: 01 July 1965 Released
Producted By: B.I. & L. Releasing Corp.
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An American astronaut mysteriously disappears from his spacecraft as it parachutes to Earth. He is apparently replaced by or turned into a large, radioactive, humanoid monster. A team of scientists and military men attempt to capture the monster.

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B.I. & L. Releasing Corp.

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Sandcooler "Monster A Go-Go" was supposed to be the first feature film for Bill Rebane, who started filming this thing in 1961. His monster flick, originally called "Terror At Halfday", had a budget of 80.000 dollars, which was pretty much gone after a couple of days of filming. After he ran out of funding the film lay on the shelf for about four years, unfinished and with no hope (or desire) of actually being released.Cue Herschell Gordon Lewis (of "Blood Feast" fame), always on the look-out for the cheapest way he could get a film released. So he bought the abandoned footage from "Terror At Halfday" and 'finished' the movie. To cut costs, he decided to only ask a couple of performers back, which did not include Henry Hite. I should point out Henry Hite played the monster. He finished this monster flick ... without the monster. That's one of the main reasons why this movie feels like such a blatantly cynical cash grab.So Lewis only had a tiny little bit of footage shot with Henry Hite, and none of that footage could be edited to look like an actual ending. Lewis 'solved' that problem by creating one of the saddest anti-climaxes in the history of filmmaking. I honestly can't imagine how the people that paid to see this left the theatre after this screening. To quote Rich Hall: "It was so bad I wanted everyone's money back!". That was about a Bob Dylan concert, but it works equally well for this movie.For what it's worth: Rebane actually did try to shoot a big climax for this, that's actually the main reason the budget ran out so quickly. Some of the ending scenes feature dozens of extras, so that's clearly Rebane's footage. Lewis really wouldn't bother to do any of that. In later interviews Rebane has stated he hates this movie even more than the audience does, and I can't blame him. Lewis didn't even put his name on it, Rebane is the only credited director. Did I mention he only sold his "Terror At Halfday" footage for 8.000 dollars, while it cost ten times as much to film? I guess he got a really quick course on how film business worked.
TheLittleSongbird Admittedly I wouldn't have seen Monster-a-Go-Go if I hadn't watched MST3K. There it was described in such a way that I immediately decided to see it if it really was as bad as made out to be. After seeing Monster a-Go-Go, it is as bad as people have said and worse. The movie's problems are so vast that if you had a notebook and pen and were writing down the flaws as you went along you are guaranteed to have a full notebook. Seeing as there is a word limit on IMDb I can't do a notebook's worth of flaws, but I'll mention the main problems in as simple a way as possible. I'll apologise in advance though because after reading the reviews here that described the badness of the movie so well I thought to myself what else is there left to say, so if you don't like repetition you might not want to read on.Monster a-Go-Go is very badly made. And I don't just mean rushed editing or the like, I mean a proper amateur's job all round. The camera work was often enough to make what was going on on screen incoherent and the sets looked as though they were going to fall over any minute. And not in quite some time have I heard dialogue this horrendous(you'll be laughing out loud at its cheesiness and irrelevance), and the fact that it's badly recorded doesn't help. As for the story, what story? Almost nothing happens, and when something does happen it is done in a dull way and never comes together as a whole. The ending is one of those screw-the-audience endings and the absolute worst in this regard, it actually makes you feel cheated, you do not want to feel that watching a movie. The characters are useless, even the ridiculous-looking monster, and to say that the acting is like watching robots is an insult to robots. The music is the best thing about the movie, but that's not saying very much.To conclude, every bit as bad as its reputation. I'm not entirely sure whether it's the worst movie ever made just yet, but it is certainly down there as one of the worst. 0/10 Bethany Cox
Bloodwank Films like Monster a-Go Go feel sent from some other realm to test me. I love old fashioned trash cinema, I'm a great fan of Plan 9 From Outer Space and regard Manos: The Hands of Fate as a near classic, neither with irony. But sometimes a film catches me off-guard with boredom and ineptitude that just can't compute and I break down into boredom, minutes dragging out interminably as my face droops and eyes seek to pull shut. Such was the case here, much as I tried my best. To be fair to the film it never stood much of a chance, originally an unfinished Bill Rebane project, bought up and completed with new footage by HG Lewis. Sanity and coherence were obviously not going to be on the menu here but what really rankles is the lack of interest. The plot isn't too bad, pitting scientists against a poor irradiated astronaut with a deadly touch, but nearly everything in the execution goes wrong. First there are traditional problems. The film all too often opts to tell rather than show events (what it does show is mostly tedious, the camera doesn't even search out images of interesting irrelevance to settle on), and not only that but the narration even spoils scenes just before they take place. Also, there are a number of sound goofs, including numerous occasions where speech is simply too muffled to make out. The music isn't much cop either, nor the acting, but I guess that is somewhat to be expected. The writing has virtually no interest, neither drawing interesting characters nor spinning out fun technical nonsense, it merely drags, with patches of pointless filler that disgrace pointless filler scenes everywhere. Perhaps most irritating is the lack of monster action. Many a terrible film has pulled off an acceptable level of entertainment just by getting a creature on screen and offing people at an acceptable rate (The Creeping Terror a perfect example of this) but Monster a-Go Go has just a handful of kills, only one of them effective. This is made extra galling by the fact that the monster is simply a tall gentleman in paste face make up that can't have taken more than a few minutes to plaster on, and so can hardly have been a big drain on the budget. He actually looks effective in his few appearances (one of the films few pluses) and really, really should have done more. A couple more spots of fun elevate this just above lobotomy inducing, best being one of the most inept scientists I've ever seen in a film like this. He does nothing right, from helping cause the monster by doing something stupid, then letting the monster cause more damage than it might have done by doing something more stupid. In a moment of almost inspired comedy he even sheepishly owns up to his own ineptitude, which I must admit made me smile. There is also a mostly pointless dancing scene which probably only appeals to fans of pointless dancing scenes (ie. people like me) so thats a plus, and there's the ending. It is breathtakingly useless and therefore memorable. Yes, I know that isn't a good thing to most people. Altogether this film is pretty much atrocious, and not in a good way. Exercise caution before viewing would be my advice.
randylong1 For my first review, why not start with the worst? I've seen Manos and I've seen The Beast of Yucca Flats and I've seen 10 minutes of Superbabies 2 but this movie tops...uh...truly lives at the bottom of the barrel.Monster a-Go Go is one of those movies that just sits and dares you to fall asleep and I just couldn't resist so I missed 10 minutes but I am sure that I did not miss anything. Luckily, I did wake up to see the few seconds of random go-go dancing. Damn, I wish there was more go-go dancing because that was the best part of the film. And…then I went back to sleep because I couldn't handle the excitement! Ten minutes later I woke up to see two people I didn't care about talking at a restaurant. Okay, I suppose that I should discuss some plot points. Apparently, a spacecraft crashed and one of the pilots is presumed dead. Unfortunately, he is not dead and we have to proceed with the rest of the movie. Instead he has turned into a monster who we (very) occasionally see and we are told that he has done some bad things. Later, we meet a scientist in a white coat (scientists always look the same in z-grade movies) who drones on about the horrors of the monster. So, the authorities search for the monster only to discover the big plot twist.There never really was a monster. That's it! That's the plot twist! It has to be one of the biggest "screw the audience" moments in cinematic history. If you want more information, read some of the other reviews.In short, if you are having trouble sleeping this is the perfect movie. If you are looking for a good date movie, obviously you are very lost.