I've been checking out Scandinavian films, because I'm from scandinavia and therefore it seems natural and easy to relate to the films that are from this area of the world. And I've seen a lot of excellent danish movies and also really good Swedish movies, but this is the first really good norwegian movie I have seen:-). Kristoffer Joner is a fantastic actor and I will be looking out for him, he has done a good job in the movies I have seen, and this movie is no exception. The movie itself is captivating and funny at the same time. The main theme is love and the relationship between male and female, and it's played out really well. Both of the main characters play excellent and you believe their story and the side characters are maybe a bit exaggerated but that is what is funny in a movie and it works. Actually maybe they are not so exaggerated, because people who are really their own do exist:-)
Filmed in the Norwegian oil capital of Stavanger, this movie became a big hit in Norway in very short time after theatrical release. Obviously, this is because the film struck a chord with the Norwegian audience. Judging by it's Imdb rating at the time of writing (7.3), the registered users who rated it at the herewith site also mostly enjoyed it.Now, I never saw it in theatrical release, but borrowed a copy on VHS. I saw no antagonist in the movie. There was a protagonist though, and she was one of several cute girls in the movie - for what it's worth.I was somewhat disappointed the first half hour or so, but then the film really picked up. (There is also a quite amusing scene in the first half hour, in a bar, which I also think will appeal to many film buffs. Watch it, and you'll know what I mean.. ). I do believe that having some knowledge of and experience with youth culture in south west coast Norway helps in getting all the comedic points and a good feel for the general ambience of the film. It wasn't only a hit in western Norway though, so surely there are more than just a few universal puns in there.It's a movie about being young and not really having too much of a clue in life, whilst at the same time providing more serious pointers about relationships between people in general and between lovers, either new or established ones as such, more especially. But first and foremost it is a whacky feel-good comedy with a lot of slap stick humour, a touch of crazy comedy and some poignant dialogue. Bare with it for the first half hour, and there's a good chance you'll catch an infatuation with it too ! :)
This is a funny x-mas movie. It's filled with love,the x-mas spirit, ambition and humor. If you haven't seen this movie, I think you ought to. I don't want to give the plot away, but I think I can give away the ending; it ends good. =) See the movie or be square.
funny movie about a girl from Stavanger thats looking for her old boyfriend. Lots of cute girls. And very good actors. A movie for everyone. good story and plot. One of the best movies made in Norway ever! Lots of good music. The only bad thing to say about the movie is that its partitially in black & white