Mom, Can I Keep Her?

1998 "500 pounds of furry fun..."
Mom, Can I Keep Her?
3.3| 1h30m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 10 June 1998 Released
Producted By: Royal Oaks Entertainment Inc.
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Timmy Blair has the usual twelve-year-old's share of problems: his father is too busy at work, his new stepmother loads him with chores, and school life is as difficult as ever. When a furry friend follows him home from school, Timmy is delighted. There's only one problem. His new-found buddy is a 500 pound gorilla

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Royal Oaks Entertainment Inc.

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Amy Adler Timmy (Justin Berfield) has a new stepmother, much to his disliking. His father, a doctor, barely had enough time for him before the wedding; now, Justin has to share time with his dad with HER. Eva is proving herself to be a bit strict as well. When he brings home a dog, she won't allow him to keep him, saying his behavior is below par. Timmy is miffed. However, a gorilla escapes from a dismal sideshow operation and ends up in Timmy's garage. He is determined to keep THIS pet. However, he is in a long line of people after the ape, from the sideshow owner to a big game hunter to the animal welfare people. Will Timmy be able to hide the gorilla? What will his new stepmother say if she finds out? Okay. The gorilla here is not a real animal. However, she is a delightful puppet or creature with a sweet and lively personality. Her name is Zamora and she can charm the pants off children and adults. Berfield, too, is wonderful as the child who misses his deceased mother and needs more attention from his father, while trying to accept the fact that his new mother is here to stay. The supporting players are just fine (Alana Stewart is a bit pouty, it seems) and the sunny California scenery is a nice view in those places that have much snowfall. Families searching for acceptable movies for the whole gang to watch will like this one; (one should be aware that there was one noticeable swear word). Mom, can we keep this movie? will likely be the response if mother or father should bring this one home.
MyLyric This was the worst I've ever seen. It was hard for me to just sit still in my seat, it was so lame.Despite a temporarily funny picture of the gorilla (Zamora) in "human" clothing, she was so unrealistic both in appearance and behavior that it was impossible to get interested in the story. As for the actors, Justin Berfield (Timmy Blair) did pretty well considering the poor script, but just about every other actor and their script was also impossible to buy. There was no apparent effort put into making the story and film realistic. The movie was poorly done, plain and simple. This film could be described as very amateur and a waste of time.
ollie501 The basic premise behind this drivel is simple. Kid's Mom has died, has new Step-mom, makes friends with gorilla, gorilla gets shot, gorilla gets better, everything works out just fine. Except that is, for the film itself. Fan's of this genre of film would do better to avoid this and go for the far superior "Born to be Wild". Even Malcolm in the Middle's Justin Berfield (Reece), who is usually pretty good, can't hold this dreadful film together. He manages to pull off a couple of nice emotive scenes, but that's about it. The gorilla is about as convincing as a trash can in a dress, the music is lousy, the direction is tired and dull, and the less said about the script the better. Not even worth catching on TV.Ollie
topclaw To be honest I only watched it because it has the Kid from Malcom in the Middle. The Grollia is so fake it's kind of Freaky, and it feels so weird that in this Justin is a sweet Twelve year old but in Malcom in the Middle he's a roughy toughy punk.Something that really Puzzles me is that why did a guy who directed a God Awful B-Grade Politically Incorrect Pornographic Horror Film. (Evil Toons) direct a sweet Family Movie starring an odd looking Gorilla. Well, I guess some things should be left unexplained...