Modus Operandi

2010 "A film that could only be made in Milwaukee, where life is CHEAP!"
4.5| 1h20m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 10 September 2010 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
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Two briefcases with mysterious contents are stolen from top Presidential candidate Squire Parks, setting off a deadly series of double-crosses and betrayals. Desperate warring factions of subterranean organizations will stop at nothing to gain possession of the sensitive material. A covert branch of the CIA calls on notorious Black Ops agent Stanley Cashay, who has been barely existing in a semi-comatose twilight since the murder of his wife. Cashay is offered the identity of his wife’s killer in exchange for locating and returning the cases.

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arfdawg-1 First, here's the plot from IMDbTwo briefcases with mysterious contents are stolen from top Presidential candidate Squire Parks, setting off a deadly series of double-crosses and betrayals. Desperate warring factions of subterranean organizations will stop at nothing to gain possession of the sensitive material. A covert branch of the CIA calls on notorious Black Ops agent Stanley Cashay, who has been barely existing in a semi-comatose twilight since the murder of his wife. Cashay is offered the identity of his wife's killer in exchange for locating and returning the cases. Agent Cashay uses the most dangerous weapons at his command, the telephone and his reputation, to unleash a bizarre assortment of operatives, including the deliciously sleazy Casey Thunderbird and exotic Tokyo-based special agent Black Licorice. Along with scores of other beguiling rogues, they initiate a horrifying chain of events, including ruthless torture and brutal killings.OK I watched this movie and didn't get any of this from it!And I'm torn about the review to give it. Here's why:In terms of the flavor of the movie, it's extraordinary. It's absolutely spot on true to 70s exploitation flicks. How they found some of the set s and locations is beyond me. On this I would give it a freaking 10. It's extraordinarily creative.But then there's the story. There is none. It's all look and no feel. And that's unfortunate because this really could have been a spectacular movie!It needs a way better script.So in the end I have to give it a 5 for trying but nor making it there.
midnight_cinephile This is my first film review and I felt compelled to write it due to the low user rating.Clearly Frankie Latina is in love with film as M.O. is laden with references to other films such as apocalypse now,north by northwest and an actual film editing scene-brilliant! Also the "film within a film" concept used several times to great effect. Furthermore this film just looks great in a grainy retro way that really works to keep the viewer interested. The director made the most of the Milwaukee locations and I think a quick foray into Japan for *hits and giggles which was super-fly! Hard to believe he did the whole film on super 8mm.Mr Latina went very far out of his way to make this look and feel like a film from the 70's and he really nailed it-with props,locations and wardrobe/makeup. BRAVO HOMIE!I'm not exactly sure how or what ex porn whore deluxe Sasha Grey contributed to this film other than her name in the opening credits but the sleaze factor is in full effect thru out this cinematic kitsch classic.All of the late 60's/70's grind-house tropes are present and accounted for:1.A bevy of Butt naked fly international bitches- 2.Gratuitous bloody violence- 3.More Hot Fly Naked Bitches-4.Torture scenes- 5.A Great Funky Ass soundtrack-6.Grainy "shot on film" appearance- 7.Plastic cardboard stiff acting and characters-8.Paper thin plot and script- 8.Dope ass sports cars - 9.Snuff porn-√10.Grainy non digital film stock/techniques - 11.Full frontal make nudity 12.CIA references What this movie lacks in dialog and plot is compensated for with surrealistic and freaky cinematography. I really love the locations,costumes and soundtrack all of which hold this low budget grinder together. I was a bit disappointed that Danny Trejo was under utilized but I am assuming that time and budget constraints were the reason.It was great seeing Mark Borchardt from "an American movie" in a prevalent role and I really have to give Mr Lantana props for casting him.Mr Borchardt did a great job handling the role and I hope he gets more work in the future.This film's only shortcoming is the weak plot and minimal,poorly written dialog. These problems are easily overcome with the cinematography and overall sleaze feel. I am looking forward to Mr Latina's future projects and would love to contribute music or act in one of his films.
kriderthewriter Modus Operandi is a film that is tough to judge harshly. It was clearly made, as so many great films before it, with a great amount of enthusiasm. And frankly, it's hard not to have fun watching it when the director clearly had so much fun making it. "Grindhouse" and "Machete" are both fun movies. But "Modus Operandi" is a genuine grindhouse film. Shot in the slums and back alleys of Milwaukee, the art of exploitation is etched into every frame. The film seems to have been influenced by everything from John Waters and Russ Meyer to David Lynch and John Luc Godard. Not a film for the squeamish. But if anyone doubts that American Independents can still deliver original material should watch this movie.