
4.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 0001 Released
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bhuskey-69720 Do not watch this mini series. Ever. Everything all of the other reviewers have said is true. I wish I read reviews before watching it. This was so bad I find it hard to believe some of these "stars" even agreed to be in it. It's like they all got together for beer and pizza the night before shooting started and someone said, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we all did a terrible job on this film?" And everyone else thought, why yes, yes it would be funny. So they did it. It is bad. Just bad.
anthonyparra Having read the reviews of this mini series prior to watching I was expecting a total dog but was somewhat surprised on it's production and acting. Many familiar actors from Back to the future, Stargate, Seinfield,The Walking Dead kept appearing in various roles which I found throughly entertaining as I kept wonder who was going to show up next.Certainly I could poke holes threw some of the science behind the story but I have yet to watch a disaster movie you couldn't do so. Several parts though I did find annoying. The amount of car crashes and constant threats one of the main female characters repeatably went threw got to the ridiculous stage. Anyone with that much bad luck is unlikely to be the saviour of the world.The special effects while not top class where acceptable although they could have been more spetacular even within the limits of a mini series.All in all though it's a harmless little series that deserves better ratings due to people over analyzing ever detail. So just sit back relax and enjoy Meteor for what it is.
edin-sabanovic Spoiler alert!!! If you read the continuing paragraphs, I might just save you the time you could have spent watching this entire (for lack of better word) show, as calling it a movie would offend feelings of everyone from Lumieres to Bruce Willis. So if you feel that you must watch this whatevere, refrain from reading my review, as it will greatly reduce satisfaction (yeah, really) of watching it. For God sake don't watch it, I only did because the TV was tuned to the channel showing, and I was merely glancing it to determine how bad it is. And it is plenty bad enough.Well, about 45 minutes from the start, I wished the main character was raped and murdered in the police station, so the entire series would end right there. Unfortunately, she missed several good opportunities to finally die, only to help people turn meteor about by God damn NUCLEAR ROCKETS, only 40 miles from impact (well within atmosphere). Entire nuclear arsenal of every nation on Earth 100 times over wouldn't suffice for this feat in applied physics. Even if by some miraculous stretch of laws of physics it did suffice, what about a gaping hole in our atmosphere? It would be better if got hit by a meteor than the outcome of such an explosion.1. Ph.D. in physics wouldn't be very good at martial arts and would probably have succumbed to the rape/murder attempt right off.2. I will skip parts where they shoot meteroids down with Stingers and Patriots.3. So congratulations miss Survivor. You just made a 60 miles in diameter radioactive slag that will hit earth. Would you like your f*cking parade? Those missiles would be better used to put entire world out of mysery before impact.
marthawells64 I love watching disaster movies, but this one was extremely painful. I wasn't sure if I was going to get through the whole thing. The cast was great, lots of well-known people, but the script was absolutely horrid. The actors did the best they could with what they had. I think this is the worst disaster movie I have ever seen. I don't know what NBC is playing at or what they're trying to accomplish, but if they keep up with these TV movies, they have to be better written to make it worth putting them on the air. The first one a few weeks ago, "Impact" was lot more believable and much better written. "The Storm" this weekend is almost turning out as bad as "Meteor". The extra story lines are ridiculous. Just focus on the disaster itself. It would be much more plausible.