Merry Christmas... Happy New Year

Merry Christmas... Happy New Year
6.1| 1h40m| en| More Info
Released: 23 November 1989 Released
Producted By: Titanus
Country: Italy
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In this romantic story, a couple (Michel Serrault and Virna Lisi) who have been married for over forty years are forced to separate, one to each of their two children's families, when they can no longer pay the rent on their longtime apartment. Absence, in this case, refreshes their memory of the love they have shared, and they take to meeting one another furtively in hotel rooms for sex and affection. One summer, as each of their daughters families takes them on separate vacations, they have had enough, and elope, finding contentment as lighthouse keepers off the coast of Sicily.

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