Men Only

Men Only
6.7| 2h23m| en| More Info
Released: 03 June 2001 Released
Producted By: World Productions
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Men Only is a provocative two-part drama about the dark side of modern masculinity. What do men want, what do women want from them, and can the two ever be reconciled? Our men are a five-a-side football team from South London. Only they're too old, too slow, too under the thumb at home to waste their precious Tuesday nights kicking a ball around and losing every time. So the football stops and the excitement starts. They begin in lap-dancing bars, but soon they want more. Porn. Violence. Sex. Class A's. What happens on Tuesday nights should never go home. But one night they finally go too far, and the two worlds look set to collide

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Producted By

World Productions

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