Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Ich und Kaminski" is a German-language film from last year that has a cast of actors who come from all kinds of European countries. The two title characters are played by Daniel Brühl and Jesper Christensen. The director here is Wolfgang Becker and he is also one of the writers who adapted Daniel Kehlmann's novel for the screen. Kehlmann, so far, is mostly known for "Die Vermessung der Welt". Becker has done nothing but a short film in the last 10 years. He is still very much known for his collaboration with Brühl on "Good Bye Lenin", a movie I always found very overrated. I read that Becker recently compared himself and Brphl to Herzog and Kinski and hearing that parallel makes me think that I cannot eat as much as I want to throw op. He has nothing, absolutely nothing on Herzog, and Brühl may need another 15-20 very successful years at least to in order to be considered on the same level as Kinski. And their film here does not add a lot to that ridiculous comparison."Ich und Kaminski" is a fairly mediocre film from start to finish that does not have any really bad moments, but also never delivers greatness. The biggest weakness is probably the script. The story tries so hard to engage the audience, but it never succeeds in a positive way. I personally also found it fairly embarrassing how Becker tried to use the fantasy techniques for comedy purpose. Wasn't working at all and it looked like a truly desperate way to channel "Good Bye Lenin!",for example in the one fictitious scene when the old woman gets shot. Brühl was overall okay as the main character, but that also had more to do with him fitting the character physically than with a really great performance. The best aspect of the film are probably the supporting players. Christensen and Casar played their roles well and certainly elevate the material. i cannot say a whole lot about the book and how the film fares in comparison to it as I have not read it. But in terms of Becker's screenplay, this was definitely not an artistic achievement. The way he elaborated on the two characters for two thirds of the film made it virtually impossible to see them as likable fellas with their (unrealistic) character transformation and I am referring especially to Brühl's character here. Overall, not a good movie, which also felt way too long and with not enough substance for crossing the 120-minute mark. Not recommended and if that is Becker's level right now, he can stop making films for another 10 years for as much as I care. Not recommended.