Major Payne

1995 "He's looking for a few good men... or a few guys old enough to shave."
6.3| 1h35m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 24 March 1995 Released
Producted By: Universal Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Major Benson Winifred Payne is being discharged from the Marines. Payne is a killin' machine, but the wars of the world are no longer fought on the battlefield. A career Marine, he has no idea what to do as a civilian, so his commander finds him a job - commanding officer of a local school's JROTC program, a bunch of ragtag losers with no hope.

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Harriet Deltubbo The dichotomy in reviewer assessments of MAJOR PAYNE has, I fear, more to do with the reviewers' life experiences than the film. I waited years to see this movie. Now that I've seen it and read the other reviews, I wonder if I watched the same movie. The film is dull. The sets are strictly poverty row, the cinematography uninspired. There is absolutely no creepiness except for the ending. The actors walk through their parts. MAJOR PAYNE is like a time capsule, a reflection of a world long gone. After seeing the previews I thought I'd be disappointed; it just seemed wrong. However, on viewing the film I must say the persons involved did a credible job.
jvflyguy41 My favorite movie of all time. I guess you could call it "dumb" humor, but hilarious nevertheless. Damon Wayans plays a killing machine in the US Military and is then discharged when "there's no one left to kill." He then take up a job as a ROTC commander at a Virginia school. From there, he turns the boys from "turds" to "maggots." The boys try to get rid of Payne any way they can, but Payne always prevails. After making getting some sensitivity training from Ms. Walburn, Payne begins to win over the cadets and successfully trains them for the Virginia Military games. I highly recommend this film, you are guaranteed to laugh more every time you see it!
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) Damon Wayans puts out his best comical characters into action. He is "Major Payne", a hardcore Marine mercenary who is put in a military school, which is nothing compared to what out on the battlefield. I liked the beginning of the movie where this soldier gets shot, and Major Payne breaks his finger to forget about the gunshot wound. So when he gets discharged from the Marines, he has to find work. Very civilian challenged, he goes to this military school where he deals with a batch of ragtime losers. He handles these guys a little too hard. One of the younger kids was orphaned, and the other thought he could build trust with the Major. Two words, "NOT HAPPENING!" The kids he tortures can't stand him any minute. They try to spike his food with laxatives, a gassy backfire is what it resulted. They had to run around the academy in dresses. That's a total riot! They sent this motorcycle dude(Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow,1961-2007), that didn't work. When the guys start giving him trust, the battlefield is like any other workday to him. He'll never change his ways, but he'll make you change you attitude! "Major Payne" is like "Homey The Clown" with battle-gear. But Homey would never stand a chance against Major Payne. Rating 3 out of 5 stars!
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews I've watched this a number of times, and I still have yet to really find any part of it terribly funny. In spite of that, I will attempt to review it as objectively as I can. The concept is interesting, though the formula, basic plot progression and execution is something that we've seen before. The plot was fair. The humor is pitch black and then some, with violent verbal descriptions and images, to go with the lead being a tough Marine. The first few scenes detailing his personality, methods and preferred activities do a nice job of setting up for the rest of the film. We join Mr. Payne(a name I personally found was put to better use in the video game released half a decade ago, featuring a title character of the same last name, but I digress) just as he's being discharged from the Marines. There's no one left for him to kill. So what does a killin' machine do? Train children in the vein of his own training. The acting is fairly good. I must say, Mr. Wayans really surprised me. He clearly does possess more talent than one would think... and this is coming from someone who really does like the man, and watched as much of the sitcom that was named after him as I had the chance to. Say what you will about him, but don't claim that he can't act. Going about as far into the other end of the spectrum from the grinning charmer that he usually portrays, he's just about as hardball and nasty as you get, in this film. The cinematography and editing are decent enough... they do a fine job of making it all work and come together, without going above expectations or breaking any new ground. In fact, the same could be said about the writing. The soundtrack is adequately chosen. All in all, I'm sure this film has an audience... the sheer amount of positive reviews compared to negative ones on this very site support that theory pretty well. I recommend this to anyone who has read positive reviews and recognizes what they read as something they'd enjoy. 6/10