Madeline: My Fair Madeline

Madeline: My Fair Madeline
5.6| 1h11m| en| More Info
Released: 11 November 2002 Released
Producted By: DiC Enterprises
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Madeline attempts to stop the theft of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, but no one believes her; so, she is sent to a finishing school in London. But now the thieves are also in London, and they will try to rob the Crown Jewels! Would Madeline be able to stop them?

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TheLittleSongbird I quite like Madeline, the books, the TV series, the live action movie, Lost in Paris and this, My Fair Madeline. When it comes to this movie, I prefer it over Lost in Paris, which was still quite good, but I prefer the series and live action movie. It isn't flawless, the film is too short, too rushed and the story is very predictable sometimes. But what redeemed it were some lovely animation that was smooth and colourful with convincing Parisian backgrounds and stayed loyal to the style as seen in Lost in Paris, the series and the illustrations of the books, likable characters, amusing dialogue and sweet background scoring. The songs are not amazing, but they are sweet and have some surprisingly droll lyrics. While I do prefer My Fair Madeline over Lost in Paris overall, there is one asset I slightly prefer in the latter. That's the voice casting, don't get me wrong it is very good here with Whoopi Goldberg especially fine the voice cast don't quite match the awesomeness that was Lauren Bacall. All in all, a charming film. 7/10 Bethany Cox
kill-the-boxtrolls I watched Madeline: Lost in Paris not too long ago and I didn't like it and wrote a review about it. Then, I had to request the second Madeline movie, My Fair Madeline; and thought it was better than the 1999 movie but there are big problems.1. The voices have been changed and now, Miss Clavel sounds like a 50-year-old black woman, and Madeline now sounds like a high-pitched version of Amy Rose. She does not sound like the age she's supposed to be, she sounds like a pre-teen.2. The animation and layouts have been completely changed, but it doesn't matter, it was really good. It reminded me of 2D animation starting back in those days when animation were cooler in the likes of SpongeBob Squarepants.3. The main characters (which are Clavel, Madeline and the little girls) have become more annoying. Madeline acts like a bratty, smart-mouthed little girl. She says bad words, runs away, and does not want to follow directions. Miss Clavel, I don't know what to say about her, she acts pretty normal, but she and the girls were kinda off for me.That's all I have to say about the film. The plot was predictable, but the film could've been better. Maybe it's because I always preferred the 1998 Madeline live-action movie over the show. The show was of mediocrity because I never liked musicals except for some of the ones with the songs I liked. And because since I've seen the live action one first, I was always disappointed to see that they sing songs in the animation. Please skip Lost in Paris and watch My Fair Madeline.
Boba_Fett1138 This is a movie that's obviously aimed toward younger kids, who are no older than about 10. It reaches its target well, by having a likable and enjoyable simple story, suitable characters and some nice songs.You can easily tell that this movie is meant for young kids also because of its animations. It uses simple shapes and bright simple colors and it doesn't make this one of the greatest animated, animated movies but the targeted audience will surely know to appreciate the animations and its simplicity, that makes this a fun cheerful movie to watch and provide the movie with a very light atmosphere.The movie makes sure that it never becomes too scary or tense for the young ones. So that means that there are no real evil villains in it, or chases through the streets or over rooftops. It rather relies on the adventurous story of the one main character, who embarks on detective kind of mission, when a couple of upper-class thieves cross her path and no one seems to believe her.Of course the story is hard to believe and its filled with many improbabilities but again, the movie its story perfectly connects to the imagination and the view on the world of young children. Guess that in the end the movie also tries to give a message but i'm not sure if this will come truly across to young children. There are better examples of animated movies and TV-series that send out messages. The songs are really nice. It's no Disney of course but its certainly way better than with every other animated low budget production is the case.The humor is good and fun. It's clean and simple and at times even greatly slapstick like. I'm sure this movie will get a couple of laughs out of young children.Perfectly clean great fun for young children!7/10
Harrypotterfan_1996 Well, i just stopped watching this video with my Cousins (aged 4 and 6) I must say, it has an interesting plot. It's about Madeline and her 11 friends going to the Louvre, and Madeline, of course, makes a mess of the joint. So, they Send her to London to go to finishing school. There she makes an Enemy (Emma) She also uncovers a plot for a couple to Steal the Royal Ceptar, the same couple who tried to Steal the Mona Lisa from the Louvre back in Paris. So, yeah, thats about it. The plot is cute enough, my cousins enjoyed it, and i lived. Its a cute little show that i rate 5/10. Enjoy!P.S. Some of the stuff might be difficult to understand for like, baby's. So yeah. C-Ya!