Luna Park

Luna Park
3.3| 1h10m| en| More Info
Released: 11 February 2013 Released
Producted By: Lime Street Entertainment
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Alexia Bissett, ex actress turned producer, lives in New York where she now produces gay cinema. After being called to take care of a situation which involves her young mute brother Christi, she decides to send her right hand man Maxwell to deal with it instead. Alexia owns an apartment complex in California called Luna Park, where her young actors stay while on location. Christi is the apartment caretaker and has been caught hiding in the closet of one of her actors he has a crush on. Maxwell feels indebted to Alexia for taking him off the streets and accepts the task with little protest. When Maxwell and Christi fall in love, Alexia is suddenly forced to deal with the secrets of her past, one of which threatens the boys young love in a way they can't even imagine

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Lime Street Entertainment

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John Turley This drama centers on an ex-actress ("Alexia", played by Laura Reilly) who lives in New York and owns property in Los Angeles. The property in question is an apartment building called "Luna Park." The actress' younger brother ("Christi", played by Taylor Caldwell) lives in one of the units as the caretaker. Christi is mute and spends his days spying on all the hunky neighbors. Finally getting caught hiding in a closet, Christi is in trouble, so Alexia sends a friend ("Max", played by Michael Brent) to Los Angeles to do damage control and watch over Christi. She cannot go herself, since there is too much "bad family history" between brother and sister.Christi is gay, as are all of his hunky neighbors, as are all of the guys in New York associated with Alexia. Of course this makes sense, since she produces gay cinema.As Max settles in at Luna Park and tries to help Christi, he learns more about the family history and also starts to fall in love with Christi. This of course complicates things even more! I enjoyed watching this, though there were lots of cuts back and forth (locations and time) that were seemingly disconnected. The same treatment with color and black and white. Clearly, the dreamlike quality was intended.