2011 "Love at first virtual sight"
7.2| 1h49m| en| More Info
Released: 01 April 2011 Released
Producted By: Miramar Film
Country: Bulgaria
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online.

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Iva Fruhlingova The topic is quite vivid.It is about people seeking love on the Internet.But there are too many lines which could make you confused.Some lines are lack of freshness and logic.The only story which attracts me is the doctor falls in love with his wife on the net.Too many nude scenes make me disgusting.I also don't like Sony laptop advertisement in the movie,which makes the movie monotonous. Beautiful indoor decoration which shows up everywhere in the movie may make you feel Bulgaria is a quite rich country.The whole movie is quite idealistic,stories are sure not going that way if put in real life.Anyway this is a highly rated movie.But you won't waste your time watching it if your requirements are not too high.Because you may have the same experience with some of the people in the movies since it is so close to our everyday life.But I just feel it could have been a better movie around the topic cyber love.It could have been as great as movie Crash.I can only rate it 6 and.It is quite a pity you have a good story but don't know how to tell.
clapaucius First off - if some of the people here think that in any way they can express some patriotic statements and miss-leading ratings based on that in the global network, in a global site like IMDb - man, isn't that something not so clever..?Second - categorizing people by terms and behavior, in a movie review website is a sign that something is really wrong with the person doing it..Now, back to the review. To be honest - I've watched the movie long ago, and don't remember much concrete parts of it. But what's left is the most important - the feeling is alive. What comes to my mind when hearing about is "oh, I enjoyed it!". It doesn't matter if I'm a Bulgarian, Uzbek or Marsian, the fact is that I'll watch the movie again, not to return here and write a bunch of stuff to you, but because I have the feeling that I enjoyed the movie and I want to remember the details that made me feel this way. was, in my mind, the first truly modern Bulgarian Film Project. A movie, quite similar to US movies in ways of technical, aesthetic and visual appeal. One of the first Bulgarian movies, which is talking about something in the present and in the past. I gave the movie rate 7 out of 10, because I remember that somehow the subject incorporated in the screenplay was good, but not deep enough. All in all - nice one.
pabloruizpicasso I completely agree with the person who says that the 8,4 score is a joke. It is as false as the movie itself. I disagree with the other person on the account of the actors' performance, camera work, music, etc. The acting is so bad that I wanted to leave the cinema in the first few minutes. The actors recite their lines as if they were in some third class theatre play. Shopov utters his words with a pompous, almost tragic intonation but may be the worst is the actress who struggles with the English as well as with the lines in Bulgarian.There are lots of shortcomings, I just don't know where to start. The script is not very good, there are lots of clumsy lines which make the job of the not very talented actors even more difficult. The music is quite obtrusive, non-stopping and plain annoying. The exaggerated, unnecessary camera movements increase the nausea, already present in the viewer. Bulgarian film makers don't understand that less is always more, especially when a real concept and ability is lacking.When I say that this movie is false I mean that it gives an untrue picture of the life in Bulgaria. Yes, there are some affluent and even very rich people there but if you judge from the film only, it looks as if Bulgaria has reached and surpassed the life standard of Western Europe which of course is far, far from the bleak reality. May be this is one reason why many Bulgarian viewers like the film - it makes them forget the ugly apartments they inhabit, the run-down streets, the poverty, etc. In the film we see interiors looking as photographs in a furniture store catalogue, everything is overly coordinated and unreal, yet far from stylish. One of the couples in the film ate sushi which provoked some excitement from the audience, oblivious to the fact that they were eating the sushi with fork and knife! Another problem of the film is the product positioning - everybody seems to use the same type of computer and drink the same brand of whiskey. And the list could go on and on.I think the biggest problem in Bulgarian cinema now is not the the lack of finance but the lack of real, original talent. The tendency is to make films which follow all the bad Hollywood clichés because the film makers think that in this way the movie will appeal to the Western audience. Wrong! Just look for comparison to the Romanian '4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days'.
Iliya Todorov Generally I am quite interested in the Bulgarian cinema revival process and in my opinion this film is a step forward towards achieving this goal. Conditions in Bulgaria should be able to provide a self-sustaining movie industry, as this and a few other titles are/were quite popular in movie theaters across the country. But let's concentrate on the film. I'd say it has an interesting script, decent actors and very good cinematic qualities in terms of scene shooting, sound and some CGI to freshen up the atmosphere... A few jokes, a dose of female nudity here and there, a sprinkle of romantics at the end- all in the name of creating a good mood and reaching the masses. But if the authors wanted something more, they should have addressed a few issues. A friend of mine says that in order to convey a sufficient and complete story in a feature film you need at least 120 min. So when I saw that "" lasted 107 min I thought that probably something was missing. And indeed- a lot more could have been done in terms of character development and character depth. For example- I couldn't feel the inner conflict in the doctor's wife when she took the decision to play online games with her husband. It just came out of nowhere. I didn't catch when the elite prostitute fell in love with the journalist. Her attitude towards him remained mostly unchanged throughout the film and suddenly at the end she was deeply offended by the fact that he didn't use his own money to have sex with her, that one time she charged him for the service... The story kind of fell apart there. Some acting issues can also be noted. The Englishmen were jolly good chaps, but let's face it- they were terrible actors. The realistic rating would probably be around 6.7 if a few thousand people vote. Like I said- not bad.