Love Don't Co$t a Thing

2003 "Love Don't Co$t A Thing but it pays to be yourself."
5.2| 1h40m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 12 December 2003 Released
Producted By: Alcon Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A high school outcast pays a cheerleader to pose as his girlfriend so he can be considered cool.

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Alcon Entertainment

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Danii Disaster One of the cheesiest movies ever produced.The original "Can't Buy Me Love" is FAR superior. Honestly. This is an unrealistic "ghetto" version of it, and it doesn't work! The ONLY good thing about this film is Nick Cannon and the guy who plays his Dad. Nick could've become as prominent as Will Smith had he continued developing his acting skills. He is naturally funny and charming, and, unlike everyone else in this movie, he is not entirely useless at acting.Those softcore porn cheerleader dances... what the hell was that? Is it a school or a cheap strip club? The whole movie feels like an infomercial for P.Diddy (Sean John) and his apparel line.Most actors look far older than the characters they're portraying are supposed to be. Particularly Christina Milian, her "cool" boyfriend, and the rest of the popular guys.That "weight loss" dance was seriously cringeworthy. In "Can't Buy Me Love", that scene is really good, but here... beyond lame.The whole film is basically overly clichéd, boring, cheesy, and totally predictable. It doesn't help that most of the people in it, are godawful at acting.You can do without watching this crap, trust me.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews I have not had any exposure to the original, though there is no doubt in my mind that it is superior, simply because the opposite would not seem possible. Beyond all else, I feel a great deal of sympathy for everyone who had anything to do with this, and anyone who has tried to fix their eyes upon a screen that was showing it. I don't know where this went wrong. Maybe it was a bad idea to hire some actress to write and helm a flick. I honestly don't know if Milian can act, since no one in this appear to have even a smidgen of a hint of talent in the craft, and it may, at least partially, be related to the direction. Heck, not everything in this is awful. It's just that the potency of the "suck" overpowers what relatively little of this that doesn't blow. This is a predictable, tasteless, embarrassing excuse for a romantic teen sex romp. Nobody gets through with their dignity intact. The barrier between the popular kids and the ones not considered "cool" is ridiculously excessive in this, and you find yourself not believing that much of anything that occurs in this could happen in any conceivable universe. This never made me laugh. The "humor" is forced and tries way too hard. Stooping to the lowest common denominator seldom looks *quite* this ugly. The plot slowly unfolds between this cast of caricatures, with nigh a single surprise along the way. There's some eye-candy in this. A bit of the music is OK. I recommend this solely to people who watch all they can get near of this genre of… *sigh*… movie. 1/10
dnavin-2 I wasn't hoping much from this movie when I rented it just 'cause I had some free time to kill. I thought it might be just another teen movie. But I was pleasantly surprised.The all black star cast makes for an interesting watch. Some of the black babes are hot and not to mention Christina Milan, she's absolutely stunning. I would watch the movie again just for her.The plot doesn't seem very original but the script seems good. The direction is also not half bad.The emotions involved reminds you of your own good old days. The comedy is also good and I laughed many times. Do watch this movie, it's definitely not a waste of time.
mrcristyan i have hear a melody in this movie something like "jump jump" can someone tell me what melody is that and where can i get that ? god bless who tell me what melody is that :D i have hear a melody in this movie something like "jump jump" can someone tell me what melody is that and where can i get that ? god bless who tell me what melody is that :D i have hear a melody in this movie something like "jump jump" can someone tell me what melody is that and where can i get that ? god bless who tell me what melody is that :D i have hear a melody in this movie something like "jump jump" can someone tell me what melody is that and where can i get that ? god bless who tell me what melody is that :D thanks