Love 911

2012 "A day to heal, a day to love."
Love 911
6.9| 2h0m| en| More Info
Released: 19 December 2012 Released
Producted By: Next Entertainment World
Country: South Korea
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A doctor tries to woo a grieving, widowed firefighter in her attempt to get him to testify on her behalf in a medical malpractice case.

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thenekassyni There are spoilers. The movie really doesn't have the chemistry to carry it unlike others. The two main casts don't appear to match too well. I'm not entirely sure if this is because of the acting, script or the chemistry between them. As such it makes it hard to watch the movie through.The beginning was a rough one for me. The premise is hard to swallow. The lady is a doctor trying her best to deceive, lie, mislead, con, and so on in order to save her career. Her task is to try to convince the guy to lie in court and frame the patients husband. This is suppose to be a romantic and funny setting but to me it is extremely despicable. The script even has her offering the guy fake reports. Yes, very romantic indeed.The music is bland and uninspiring. If you want good music see A Moment to Remember or Memories of Matsuko. This is very generic 8-bit sounding. The supporting cast isn't anything to rave about either.Like I said earlier there are better Koren dramas out there.
Derek Childs (totalovrdose) When I initially came across the title Love 911, I ignorantly believed it may have something to do with one of the most painful occurrences in America's recent history. This however is not the case, 911 strictly referring to the number called when seeking emergency services. Despite opening with an incredibly emotive start, don't always expect the narrative to be so saddening in this character driven romantic comedy, during which, the film frequently switches tone, from an atmosphere of hilarity, to one of poignant drama, the evocative musical score, quintessential for South Korean melodrama, effectively setting the mood.Kang-Il (Koo So) is a dedicated firefighter, who leaps without thinking into dangerous situations in an attempt to save lives, this represented later in the feature when he goes out of his way to save a character he doesn't very much like. This desire to help others is however, not without its consequences, his wife, Ji-Young (Oh Su-Min) having tragically died when he was on the job. Their past is subtly conveyed in flashbacks during the film, that is on occasion associated with Kang-Il's penchant to become easily intoxicated, and despite his affection for his former paramour being undeniable, the reason behind her death is largely unanswered. Moreover, Kang-Il's loss, has caused much of his own existence to equally lose its passion, his frustration being intensified upon meeting, who he later calls, a young, attractive, smart doctor.Mi-Soo (Han Hyo-Joo) is her name, the undiagnosed fainting she suffers from, which continues throughout the feature, alongside her egotistical self-diagnosis and reassurance, leading to a costly error in judgement when she prescribes the wrong medication to Hyoung-Goo's (Jo Kyoung-Hoon) wife, leading to her hospitalization. When the husband sues the hospital and Mi-Soo, who originally exhibits a lacking sense of humility and care, she attempts to convince Kang-Il, who was accosted by Hyoung-Goo while attempting to restrain the grief-struck husband, to sue him, in return for the injuries inflicted upon his character.Forcing her friend, Ha-Yoon (Jin Seo-Yeon) along for the adventure, as Mi-Soo decides to volunteer her services at the same fire-station as Kang-Il, her intention is to cripple Hyoung-Goo's malpractice lawsuit against her, though her initial rational attempts to exploit the system by using Kang-Il fail miserably, leading her to become convinced that the most effective strategy would be to fall in love with the widowed firefighter. This leads to a series of hilarious instances, including, attempting conversation at the scene of a crash, where a number of chicks have escaped their cages (the cute, yellow feathered kind, not the foxy variety), losing her dignity on a bridge, and becoming involved in a drunken brawl. Little does Mi-Soo suspect, when you pretend to have feelings for someone, you may inevitably fall in love with them for reals.The character development over the course of the film is very well incorporated, as are several of the sweet conversations that take place between them, the leads beginning to change each others perspectives on life, love and professionalism. The relationship between Kang-Il and Mi-Soo is strengthened by Yong-Soo (Kim Sung-Oh) and Hyun-Kyung (Juan), two fellow firefighters, whose relationship not only assists in scaffolding the connection between the leads, but equally represents the peculiarity and waning commitment. Moreover, the station's Chief (Ma Dong-Seok), having taken frequent notice of Kang-Il's attitude, while attempting to help him move on, displays a great sense of responsibility and integrity in his role, being not only an unconventional father figure, but an especially enjoyable character to watch.The life-threatening instances the leads are occasionally forced to endure in their daily occupation assist in building strong tension, the chance of serious injury causing viewers to hang onto every moment, a couple of scenes which contain significant amounts of blood accentuating the climate. Furthermore, the character's dedication to their professional responsibility is incredibly powerful, heightening the respect we feel for not only the characters, but for the emergency services in general.Although a major sub-plot is assumed completed upon the film's conclusion, instead of being realized on screen, while additionally, the ending is a little unrealistic, Love 911 is a charmingly heartwarming and melodramatically tragic film about discovering love in a fire-station, that, unlike many features which incorporate humor, is an honestly funny experience that will surely keep your attention from beginning to end.
dkangelle I have no idea what movie that "KineticSoul"'s review was criticizing. With its potent ability to draw in viewers, Love 911 was enticing, humorous, and altogether entertaining. I do not regret the hour or two spent on watching this. Although a bit sappy, as many other Rom-Com movies are, it is definitely a movie that is capable of giving that small, warm push needed after a bad day. Throughout the movie you'll find yourself sucked into this film, trust me. Don't believe me? Ask the 780 reviews on Naver, a top Korean web- searching site, that gave it a whopping total of 9.15 stars! Loved its charming actress, Han Hyo Joo, and most certainly the actor who really portrayed a man who seemed to have a stick up his-- ahem, haha, Go Soo. There is a certain degree of criticism needed in a review, and to be so cynical to a movie that is meant for a light-hearted vibe (especially a RomCom) is a bit unnecessary. To conclude, it was entertaining! Okay? A movie doesn't need to be a masterpiece to get ten stars (i'd actually give it an 8, but i mean 6.1? wth? gotta up this mofo). It made me happy and, I'm sure, gave a great laugh out of many others.
KineticSeoul I tried to like this one but it just got way too sappy, melodramatic, and just so darn predictable. It's fine if these elements work, but it just came off really dull for this one. It does have it's moments but it's just very very few. The plot is basically about the romance between a male firefighter that has emotional scars and a female nurse. The thing is, nothing really stands out about this movie. And I just couldn't think of a single scene that I got emotional with, except maybe close to the end. But even that wasn't all that gripping since the build up is pretty darn bland. Watching this was like watching a lot of Asian drama clichés mashed into a movie. Which can work but this lacks anything that grabs onto the audiences. If this came out a while back I would give it a higher rating but this came out in 2012 and doesn't bring anything all that new. I give it a 4.5/10 because watching it as a couple is somewhat alright.4.5/10