Movielover Truth
Louis C.K. used to be funny. Now he's not. He has become politically correct. His shtick is to make you uncomfortable, straddle two sides of an issue just barely, and then try to show some glimmer of wisdom or counter-point (think "see how smart I really am?), but it's not working in this set. A lot of the jokes are flat.He is literally just preaching to the crowd what they want to hear. I suppose that is what comedy has come to. Another lost industry and talent.How disappointing this was to watch. And then Obama was thanked in the Credits? Why? What has this have to do with anything?I want comedy, not commentary.
in order to make your wasted money worth a little bit, you reluctantly joined other brain-dead audience to laugh whatever that guy on the stage said, even from the very beginning when he stepped out onto the stage, nothing whatsoever was the least funny, you got to laugh to get some of your pennies back. A full house of fools laughing clueless to every word this unfunny guy churned out of his mouth. The audiences' phony and pretentious laughter simply made me sick and disgust. These people were so stupid like nuts, kept laughing at not-funny-all, contrite so-called Lewis CK formatted and stereotyped crap. This time, even this self-promoted comedian was the least funny guy on the planet, but the most disgusting party were the ridiculous audiences. When we find somebody clueless laughing at something or some words not funny at all, we usually consider him or her a crazy moron. What amazed me most is that all of the laughing audiences that night were morons. Those who sat there among the morons never even laughed at all were the sane few. Only those who never laughed that night were the people really true to themselves, others were simply pathetic morons.
Louis C.K is a respected, well-known comedian and because of that when you see on Netflix his new show, you expect to have a good laugh.but how good is the show when you check the time to see how many minutes left?Louis C.K loving his pessimistic, brutally honest sense on the outlook of life ..felt tiring, with long pauses between jokes just to repeat the last phrase again and then after maybe twenty seconds to impersonate that scene. There were a few good jokes and hearing Louis's opinion on simple events was entertaining as you love comedians for. But, to not spoil, the last 20 minutes were sad and "sucked out" of a finger in desperation to make it into appropriate time for a comedy show.Six rating because Louis deserves after good shows to have a bad one off. maybe..or maybe notPerhaps it is the last show of his. Who knows?
Comedy is something that can't really be reviewed. You laugh, 1000 others don't. I laugh, 1000 other don't. Louis C.K is one of my favorites so I am always happy with new material from him. I like it rough tough crude with no boundaries whatsoever. This show Louis C.K starts brilliantly, no build up, straight into taboo areas. I love it. Patton Oswalt, a comedian that cant make me laugh. Ever! So, I don't watch his shizzle. My point of this review is to share my opinion that comedy is personal thus not really reviewable. There should be a stand up comedy show every freaking week since comedy and laughter are healthy for mind and soul. Enjoy yours, I'll enjoy mine!