Lluvia de luna

Lluvia de luna
4.5| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 07 September 2012 Released
Producted By: Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Country: Mexico
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://pelicula.lluviadeluna.com/

"Moon Rain" - Sometimes, when the moon is favourable and a mother is driven by a deep desire, she can pronounce the words given to enable the soul of her daughter out of limbo and ronde on Earth, as when she was alive. The spell is immediate and, in seconds, there is magic. The girl who has revived can fulfill her greatest wish and then return pleased the world of the dead and finish with the pain of thebroken dreams that left her death.

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Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía

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Adrian Becerra This movie has a very particular poetry. It's rhythm is perfect and the narrative beautiful. The story's development is impeccable and the characters are very well represented. The music matches all of this. As always in the director's previous work, the script is very well made and the character development shows actual interest by of the creators. The photography is impeccable and has several resources that contribute to the poetry of the movie as a whole. Although the story is very simple, it is very touching without being melodramatic or over the top. This is an actual piece of art and not a movie made for the sole purpose of selling.