Little England

2013 "One home, one secret, one man, two sisters."
7.8| 2h40m| en| More Info
Released: 05 December 2013 Released
Producted By: Black Orange
Country: Greece
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Τwo sisters from the island of Andros, dubbed Little England because of its affluence, are both in love with the same man. Set in the Greek Civil War period and ending in the 1950s, the movie is based on the homonymous novel by Ioanna Karystiani.

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al-capone-dog It is a truly beautiful film, director Pantelis Voulgaris, who in the past has successfully made enough quality film in Greece, which had the most on the political situation in the country by the government of the conservative and and the way he behaved this, the losers of the civil war after the defeat of the Nazis in the second world war. Most movies Voulgaris show what really happened in Greece and what fate does the Greek state, those who fought the German occupation in 1941-1944. Filmmaker old film shows why the British and then the Americans, for their own interests caused the bloody civil war in Greece claiming openly associates the Germans causing carnage dead in the country, while the rest of Europe had already begun rebuilding.
teodoreh OK, it's Pantelis Boulgaris, but how about the rest of the package? I think that the director should choose a different - more interesting - story/script in order to build his movie.Story is weak and not something we haven't seen before. Acting of main character (Tsilika) is weak. In couple of occasions you may feel that you are watching a play and not a movie. Of course this is not entirely her fault since the script asks her to perform those non-realistic monologues while make-up and photography are just too realistic and doesn't help someone who is not a doctor to understand certain conditions. To be precise at least twice people laughed at the cinema, and both occasions had to do with makeup and photography of her. Part of the story made me feel I had a Deja-Vu with the movie "H timh this agapis" (1984), but without a clear message this time. Anyways, I think that "Mikra Anglia" has a decent story to tell, strong emotions, some good performances (Aneza Papadopoulou, Constantinou) with very good representation of life on a Greek Island on the ww2 era. But it's not a masterpiece, nor something you would like to see a second time.
Sunshine everywhere biscotoloukoumo The film is surely worth seeing. The scenario is a moving romance with a touch of humble human sentiments frequently encountered in middle class families. The cast is almost perfect. The internal and external scenery is, to my opinion, the big hit of the movie. The other is the affectionate and caring as well as harsh and absolute relationships prevailing in the micro-society of a small island of the 1930's, where everyone is somehow relative to the other and secrets cannot be hidden forever. However, it doesn't fail to share the general sentimental exaggeration of Voulgaris' films - to some viewers the most attractive side of his movies.
theonianz Little England is the beautiful Greek island of Andros, in the 1930's - an island breeding sailors who spend most of their lives at sea, while some of them are destined never to return. Their women – mothers, daughters, wives, lovers - adjust their own lives to the pattern of the men's absence, looking forward to the happy yet brief homecomings, always praying for their safety, always half-dreading the worst.This is the premise of the film's story - a tragic love story of epic proportions - based on Ioanna Karystiani's best-selling book. Mrs. Karystiani herself finely adapts her novel for the screen, while her husband, renowned Greek director Pantelis Voulgaris ("Brides") takes it from there and, with the help of a great cast of actors, creates an almost flawless masterpiece.(I am not supposed to give away any spoilers, so I can only say that the film's climactic scene will probably make it to my personal top ten movie moments of all time).