Life After Manson

2014 "A Broken Woman. An Unstoppable Man. The Ultimate Cost of Choice."
6.1| 0h25m| en| More Info
Released: 14 May 2014 Released
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Life After Manson is an intimate portrait of one of the world's most infamous crimes and notorious killers. An exclusive interview with Manson Family member Patricia Krenwinkel reveals an unlikely relationship with charismatic Charles Manson that led her to cross every line of moral consciousness, culminating in the brutal murders she committed to win approval of the man she loved. Life After Manson offers a provocative character study that exposes a broken woman struggling with her past, her arduous effort to evaluate the cost of her choices, and the possibility of self-forgiveness. Can society offer her the same, and even identify with a woman who took life only to lose her own in a desperate effort to find love?

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Majikat An insight into life in prison from one of the Manson family murderers, her words her feelings. Certainly a discussion piece!
mel-99581 This movie has clearly been made to help this murderer's chances for parole. It's fairly well made but ultimately doesn't really fly. Her poor-me self-justification coupled with her poorly hidden murderous rage at Sharon Tate's sister at a parole hearing actually reveal the person she still is--someone with no feelings except for for herself. Bottom line, she wasn't just present at the killings, she was a brutal and enthusiastic participant, stabbing and stabbing people as they begged for their lives. Even as she speaks in this documentary, her thoughts are mostly about how the Manson murders affected HER.