Left for Dead

2007 "Death is just the beginning."
Left for Dead
4.1| 1h18m| R| en| More Info
Released: 06 November 2007 Released
Producted By: Mindscape Films
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Five frat boys are stalked by a machete wielding maniac, after they are involved in a horrifying Devil's Night accident.

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Mindscape Films

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Tys_106 Well the story was nothing new. A bunch of college kids partying, drinking and obviously partying. But lets be honest at this point sometimes we all love these kind of "trashy" movies. The acting was not terribly bad I have seen much worse but it also wasn't the best due to cringy acted scenes. What kinda disapointes me was that they copied an entire death scene from friday the 13th part 2. It was the scene when clark and this chick were laying in bed having sex and the murderer came from behind and impaled them and the bed. The end was absolutely boring and unrealistic. Especially when Tommy explained the officer that he and his friends killed a guy last year she just shrugged it of and said he's in a coma and will never wake up again and the next minute he jumps out of his hospital bed...
mr-rob-c what the .....when the film started i want to turn it out...the picture looked were cheap, and so the torture goes on, i cant describe how bad this film is....the story okay...nothing new, but that not the matter, the actors are not so good, the effects are bad, dialogs are bad....to make it faster..."everything" is bad, don't understand how the film get a rating of 5. the problem is....maybe this film was good before 30-40 years...but now...this is very bad, like Texas chainsaw....if you look that today...it is really bad, so i vote the films at the time i see them. i don't want to write a penny dreadful, so .... do your self a favor and skip this one ! sorry for the English, greetings from cologne, Germany
phantom_pixie I came across this film at random on a late night. It's a good film, made like an 80's slasher. Masked killer hunting down frat boys with a knife due to a secret they share in the past. Not groundbreaking, but still a decent concept. Nice story and talented young actors, especially solid performance from Steve Byers and Shawn Roberts. The older actors seem to not care as mush about the film though, poor performance. Which was too bad, even if you disregard the bad acting it ruins the experience. It's a cute nod to all the old horror films, complete with blood, gore and basic nudity. As a fan of old horror, it was worth watching.
o_regg This may not be the worst movie of all time, but it at least deserves to be in the top 10. Horrid acting, over-dramatized scenarios, unbelievable scenes and situations, and the best looking nude may have been a 6. I'm being generous. Normally I would have given this film a 2 or 3 (depending on how drunk I am) rating, but I feel I must give it a 1 to offset the truly poor judge of taste that so many have languished on this film that does little more than lay there and pine for our attentions, using 3rd rate acting and 3rd rate nudity. I could almost swear that one chick had a cesarean scar. I was lured to this crap fest by the IMDb rating. I can only assume that every student at the college that filmed this must have logged in and up'd the ratings. Save your time and don't bother with this one. The worst part of the whole movie is they opened it up for a sequel.