Laugh Busters

Laugh Busters
6.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 September 1984 Released
Producted By: NBC Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

While getting ready to promote the new 1984 fall Saturday morning line-up, the Director D.W. and his assistant are interrupted by the infamous Gargamore O'Dette who plans to bring down the special and NBC itself. Gargamore has kidnapped a bunch of the new cartoon characters and sent his live action henchmen (played by James Avery and Bill Saluga from Going Bananas) to stop the real live actors from making it onto the special. Gargamore wants to do this because the new Saturday morning line-up is funny and he's deathly allergic to laughter.

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NBC Productions

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