Late Shift

2022 "After being forced into the robbery of a famous London auction house, a hard-working math student has to prove his innocence. How will he decide to act when everything is turning against him?"
Late Shift
7| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 02 December 2022 Released
Producted By: Wales Interactive
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Matt, a smart student, has to prove his innocence after being forced to take part in a bold heist at a famous London auction house. The consequences take him on a journey across London to escape the twisted web he finds himself caught in, discover the truth and gain his retribution. How will the audience decide to act when everything is turning against him?

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Wales Interactive

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Jesse Nissinen I have mixed feelings about this game, movie. I feel it could have been a lot more, and it seems the developers are not going to add or fix anything at all. I will start with the good stuff and later point out the flaws and why I rated it a 5 instead of a 8 or 9.The first playthrough got my heartbeat pumping and palms sweaty, I thought a wrong option would instantly kill me and end the game, as in a Game Over. I got happy with my choices because the movie kept on playing. I must be doing good right? Anyways, I didn't get a happy ending even after my struggle and what I thought were good choices, however the first experience were exciting and fun, I would recommend the game just for this experience.+ Good acting, and I especially liked the Chinese May-Ling girl.!SPOILERS! The bad stuff then? Second viewing I went the dark path, protest everything, be mean to everyone you can, beat everyone up just for the fun of it. Any consequences? Basically no. It made NO DIFFERENCE. I wasn't nervous or excited anymore because I knew I couldn't die, every choice goes from A to B and back to A. It gives you an illusion that you are making the choices but they all take you to the same basic movie. And the endings? It advertises as if it has 7 DIFFERENT endings, but in reality it's more like 4 different endings. 2 Same endings with just 1 different sentence spoken. 3 Basically same endings with an alternative small scene. Then a bad ending where you actually die (yes I finally managed to kill my character off, high five!), and one happy ending. There is also a plot hole in the game where you go branch B, where one of your main protagonists DIE, then you continue the movie alone, if you take a wrong turn now it will go back to branch A. Suddenly the game is acting like his best friend is still alive and he tries to save her... but, but, we just saw her die 10 minutes ago?I don't blame the actors. It had good music, a great cast. However, I do blame the developers and producers for making this decent movie into a lazy 'game'.
goswamiumang509 Superb experience with excellent cinematography and good acting.I Like the concept and look forward to seeing in future. The story has 8 Different endings it really depends on your choices.
nickperdikaris What if you had the power to decide for Johnny or Billy in that Hollywood flick you saw recently? Would you have returned to the scene of the crime after successfully getting away the first time? Would you return home to get your grandfather's watch while murderous mobsters are looking for you? Tobias Weber's Late Shift allows you to make these choices.Shot in London and released in 2016, the Swiss production is being called the first ever interactive film – the movie where you can be the hero. Remember those books when you were a kid? If Optimus Prime should just transform and roll out, go to page 84.If he should stay and fight Megatron, go to page 32. Well, Weber and his crew have brought the you-be-the-hero theme to the silver screen and your mobile device – and it is one very unique and game changing experience. What will amaze you the most is the seamlessness of the whole process. There are absolutely no pauses or lags while you are making your choices that would make it feel like a video game. The result is an authentic film viewing experience.