Lake Fear

2014 "It's been get under your skin"
Lake Fear
3.3| 1h29m| en| More Info
Released: 01 December 2014 Released
Producted By: MGI Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Four girls go to a cabin in the woods, which is inhabited by evil. This cabin then ensnares them in a labyrinth of macabre as they must battle their way out.

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MGI Productions

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lifeindurban Open yourself up to this one, and let the writer take you into his mind (and into yours for that matter).If you want your usual "four teenagers go to the cabin and get slashed up" - go look elsewhere - there is plenty of that out there.I have never seen a movie like this. A one of a kind gem. Discerning viewers only for this one.
kabii Awful isn't even enough to describe this failed piece of a movie. It shouldn't even be called a movie because it just has no beginning and no end. Even for a low budget movie it's "horrible"First of all, the movie starts like the average teenager horror movies. You get shown the crew, 4 teenager girls, who won a travel to a cabin in the woods via YouTube. Yes that is true a cabin in the fu**ing woods. And from the time they arrive, you just don't know what's happening. I watched the entire movie and I really have no clue what the f**k is going on. This is literally just some random visual effects put in a blender and this "movie" is the outcome. I have never wasted my time before in my life as with this piece of s**t. I hope, that everyone who finds this movie through IMDb, looks at the user reviews and reads mine because I REALLY WANT that NOBODY has to watch this movie ever again! I am outta here!
Jarleen Raud At first I was pretty bored when the movie actually started, the acting made me sneer and the characters were just boring... Though my interest was sparked when that cat-eared one got pulled into the mud. Of course her acting made me cringe again. I was pretty hungry in the beginning of the movie but when I got to the end, I was no longer hungry, but sick. The end of the movie just seemed like series of disgusting gore-y scenes, starting from the tongue-splitting with a knife and ending with different other bloody scenes.What bothered me the most was the lack of actual screaming of pain. There was the guy who got stabbed to his hand repeatedly, the first reaction was just a gasp, followed by quite low grunts after next hits and the face was obviously faked. Normal human would do more than that.Anyway, I got to give it 3 points for actually managing to making me sick in stomach, doesn't happen often since I'm strong-stomached.
jassiswag I usually don't write reviews, but I had to make an exception for this one. The entire movie plot was basically non existent nothing made sense, at some point random events just started happening mixed with "special" effects and annoying sounds (very "special" since they were beyond terrible and will give you a headache) there was never any explanation as to why anything was happening let alone who the "creatures" were that were shown. For a great part it seems like they tried to recreate The Ring, at which they failed miserably. The acting was below average and not convincing in the least. I can't believe this was ever actually released. Awful, Just awful!! And how this movie got a rating of 6.8 will remain a mystery for me.