LOL! This was a FAMILY EVENT back when I was about...oh...12-13 years old. The whole family sat down - My Mom, My sister and myself and watched every second of this. Eating it up. We were really into it. When Lili brings the three friends together and goes "Which one of you bitches is my mother!?" - LOFL! ahhhh man. What memories. They don't make 'em like this anymore. Classic 80's over the top - wonderfulness!I was just having a wave of nostalgia - thinking about the Original V - you know - with the reptiles dressed as people who come to earth all friendly and cozy - but are really eating people - but the females were sexy. and thornbirds - with richard chamberlain - he was a priest or something in that one, right? So I started thinking about this mini- series that I remember my whole family watched and was excited about. I looked and looked and I remembered the word Lace was in it so I googled that - and voila - got to this page - if the DVD was available, I'd order that just to have it to watch one more time in its entirety. the 80's.......good times.
My wife has been been talking for the last 10 years about this TV-show and finally we got a chance to see it. To my surprise it turned out far less a chick-flick then I assumed (Thornbirds was a memory-lane disaster for the both of us). The story has nice twists, is nicely built and could stand any comparison to modern dramas. Sure, 1984 filming standards and some (few) bad acting parts make you want to laugh out loud but otherwise the show is most entertaining and easily watchable even on 21k-standards. On the other hand, the innocence in the way the show was filmed make it more attractive. A modern version would most likely destroy some of that particular touch. Lace is not built on intelligent dialogs however tells a story of failed promises and friendships in a way that makes you want to watch until the end.
I found it to be a bit soapy. Lather up the baby and wait for the water. Wait, Wait, Wait, three hours into it and Cates has no idea who gave her life. You don't either. Nope, wait, and wait , and wait, it drags you along on this life of excess where no one washes the baby, takes care of the child or shows their hand. Wait, and wait and wait some more. The only saving grace is the women are pretty enough to look at for awhile. You will need a bag of nachos, four bags of popcorn, three cans of coke, two dogs on your lap and plenty of cut up sausage and cheese. It will suck you in. Remember the time your mom told you not touch a fire, this is it, you begin watching this and it will suck you in.
This is one of my favorite movies ever! A soap opera which show you the glamour of the wonderful 80's. Phoebe Cates is fabulous as the movie star diva Lili. When I think about "Lace" I think about all the glamour, the money, the clothes, the hair styles, the makeup, the fabulous female characters and of course the wonderful music. I will never forget this movie (TV-show) and I've got all the episodes on tape. So whenever I feel like going back to the 80's I just turn the video on. ;)"Which one of you bitches is my mother?"